Major publications by the team in recent years
1E. Bayer-Fluckiger, J.-P. Cerri, J. Chaubert.
Euclidean minima and central division algebras, in: International Journal of Number Theory, 2009, vol. 5, no 7, pp. 1155–1168. -
2K. Belabas, M. Bhargava, C. Pomerance.
Error estimates for the Davenport-Heilbronn theorems, in: Duke Mathematical Journal, 2010, vol. 153, no 1, pp. 173–210. -
3X. Caruso, J. L. Borgne.
A new faster algorithm for factoring skew polynomials over finite fields, in: J. Symbolic Comput., 2018, vol. 79, pp. 411–443. -
4X. Caruso, D. Roe, T. Vaccon.
Tracking -adic precision, in: LMS J. Comput. Math., 2014, vol. 17, pp. 274–294. -
5G. Castagnos, F. Laguillaumie, I. Tucker.
Practical Fully Secure Unrestricted Inner Product Functional Encryption modulo p, in: Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2018, Part II, T. Peyrin, S. Galbraith (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, International Association for Cryptologic Research, 2018, vol. 11273, pp. 733–764. -
6H. Cohen, F. Strömberg.
Modular Forms: A Classical Approach, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 2017, vol. 179. -
7J.-M. Couveignes, B. Edixhoven.
Computational aspects of modular forms and Galois representations, Princeton University Press, 2011. -
8A. Enge, P. Gaudry, E. Thomé.
An L(1/3) Discrete Logarithm Algorithm for Low Degree Curves, in: Journal of Cryptology, 2011, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 24–41. -
9A. Enge, W. Hart, F. Johansson.
Short addition sequences for theta functions, in: Journal of Integer Sequences, 2018, vol. 18, no 2, pp. 1–34. -
10D. Lubicz, D. Robert.
Computing isogenies between abelian varieties, in: Compositio Mathematica, 09 2012, vol. 148, no 05, pp. 1483–1515.
Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses
11G. Castagnos.
Cryptography based on quadratic fields: cryptanalyses, primitives and protocols, Université de Bordeaux, November 2019, Habilitation à diriger des recherches.
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
12R. Barbulescu, J. Ray.
Numerical verification of the Cohen-Lenstra-Martinet heuristics and of Greenberg's p-rationality conjecture, in: Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 2019, forthcoming. -
13A. Bartel, A. Page.
Group representations in the homology of 3-manifolds, in: Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, March 2019, [ DOI : 10.4171/CMH/455 ] -
14K. Belabas, D. Bernardi, B. Perrin-Riou.
La constante de Manin et le degré modulaire d'une courbe elliptique, in: Publications Mathématiques de Besançon : Algèbre et Théorie des Nombres, 2019, no 2, pp. 81-103. -
15J.-P. Cerri, P. Lezowski.
Computation of Euclidean minima in totally definite quaternion fields, in: International Journal of Number Theory, 2019, vol. 15, no 1, pp. 43–66. -
16S. Ionica, E. Thomé.
Isogeny graphs with maximal real multiplication, in: Journal of Number Theory, February 2020, vol. 207, pp. 385-422, [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jnt.2019.06.019 ] -
17F. Johansson, I. V. Blagouchine.
Computing Stieltjes constants using complex integration, in: Mathematics of Computation, 2019, vol. 88, no 318, -
18A. Riffaut.
Equations with powers of singular moduli, in: International Journal of Number Theory, 2019, vol. 15, no 3, pp. 445-468. [ DOI : 10.1142/S1793042119500234 ]
International Conferences with Proceedings
19X. Caruso, T. Vaccon, T. Verron.
Gröbner bases over Tate algebras, in: ISSAC, Beijing, China, July 2019, [ DOI : 10.1145/3326229.3326257 ] -
20G. Castagnos, D. Catalano, F. Laguillaumie, F. Savasta, I. Tucker.
Two-Party ECDSA from Hash Proof Systems and Efficient Instantiations, in: CRYPTO 2019 - 39th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, United States, Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2019, August 2019, vol. LNCS, no 11694, pp. 191-221. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-26954-8_7 ]
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
22X. Caruso.
An introduction to p-adic period rings, in: An introduction to p-adic Hodge theory, 2019,, forthcoming. -
23H. Cohen.
An Introduction to Modular Forms, in: Notes from the International School on Computational Number Theory, I. Inam, E. Büyükaşık (editors), Tutorials, Schools, and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences, Birkhäuser, 2019, pp. 3-62, -
24H. Cohen.
Computational Number Theory in Relation with L-Functions, in: Notes from the International School on Computational Number Theory, I. Inam, E. Büyükaşık (editors), Tutorials, Schools, and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences, Birkhäuser, 2019, pp. 171-266, [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-12558-5_3 ] -
25H. Cohen.
Expansions at Cusps and Petersson Products in Pari/GP, in: Elliptic Integrals, Elliptic Functions and Modular Forms in Quantum Field Theory, J. Blümlein, C. Schneider, P. Paule (editors), Texts & Monographs in Symbolic Computation, Springer, 2019, -
26F. Johansson.
Numerical Evaluation of Elliptic Functions, Elliptic Integrals and Modular Forms, in: Elliptic Integrals, Elliptic Functions and Modular Forms in Quantum Field Theory, J. Blümlein, C. Schneider, P. Paule (editors), Texts & Monographs in Symbolic Computation, Springer, 2019, pp. 269-293,
Other Publications
27R. Barbulescu, N. El Mrabet, L. Ghammam.
A taxonomy of pairings, their security, their complexity, May 2019, working paper or preprint. -
28R. Barbulescu, S. Shinde.
A classification of ECM-friendly families using modular curves, February 2019, working paper or preprint. -
29X. Caruso.
Residues of skew rational functions and linearized Goppa codes, August 2019, - working paper or preprint. -
30J.-M. Couveignes.
Enumerating number fields, November 2019, - working paper or preprint. -
31J. Kieffer.
Degree and height estimates for modular equations on PEL Shimura varieties, January 2020, - working paper or preprint. -
32J. Kieffer, A. Page, D. Robert.
Computing isogenies from modular equations between Jacobians of genus 2 curves, January 2020, - working paper or preprint. -
33C. Maire, A. Page.
Codes from unit groups of division algebras over number fields, 2019, - working paper or preprint. -
34C. Martindale.
Hilbert Modular Polynomials, January 2019, working paper or preprint. -
35E. Milio, D. Robert.
Modular polynomials on Hilbert surfaces, June 2019, working paper or preprint.
36K. Belabas.
L'algorithmique de la théorie algébrique des nombres, in: Théorie algorithmique des nombres et équations diophantiennes, N. Berline, A. Plagne, C. Sabbah (editors), 2005, pp. 85–155. -
37H. Cohen, P. Stevenhagen.
Computational class field theory, in: Algorithmic Number Theory — Lattices, Number Fields, Curves and Cryptography, J. Buhler, P. Stevenhagen (editors), MSRI Publications, Cambridge University Press, 2008, vol. 44. -
38A. Enge.
Courbes algébriques et cryptologie, Université Denis Diderot, Paris 7, 2007, Habilitation à diriger des recherches.