Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

Maximilien Dreveton, PhD student in Neo , has co-authored a book: Leçons pour l'agrégation de mathématiques [61].

The members of Neo have edited three collections: [64], [65], [66]. One collection is a result of the very successful EU Project CONGAS: Multilevel Strategic Interaction Game Models for Complex Networks.

Sara Alouf has been elected member of the Board of Directors of the ACM SIGMETRICS.

A workshop in the honor of Eitan Altman, at the occasion of his 60th birthday, took place at the University of Avignon on June, 3rd, 2019. Recordings of the presentations are available, see https://www.canal-u.tv/producteurs/universite_d_avignon_et_des_pays_de_vaucluse/colloque/wiopt_2019.