Section: New Results

Verification of security protocols

Participants : Bruno Blanchet, Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Benjamin Lipp.

Our verification of the WireGuard open source Virtual Private Network (VPN) with CryptoVerif appears at EuroS&P 2019 [22], [27].

We continued the development of our protocol verification tools ProVerif and CryptoVerif. The new features of this year are detailed in the section on software.

In the setting of the ANR AnaStaSec project, we worked on the verification of avionic security protocols. More specifically, in 2015, we had verified the protocol of the Secure Dialog Service using ProVerif and CryptoVerif and recommended many changes to the specification. The ICAO started to take into account our remarks, and this year we analyzed a new version of the specification. Our analysis showed that many recommendations still need to be taken into account. Additionally, we also commented on the recent choice of using DTLS over UDP to secure the future ATN/IPS (Aeronautical Telecommunication Network / Internet Protocol Suite) network, which seems very positive. The details of these results are still confidential; they have been provided to ANR.