Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • SysNum Cluster SysNum is a Cluster of Excellence of Bordeaux Idex that aims at bringing Bordeaux academic players in the digital sciences closer to each other around large-scale distributed digital systems. The cluster is organized around 4 methodological axes (Interconnected object systems; Reliability and safety; Modeling and numerical systems; Massive and heterogeneous data) and 3 application platforms around major societal issues (ecology, mobile systems, interconnected objects and data analysis).

    François Clautiaux is leading the methodological WP on Interconnected object systems. Understanding and controlling the complexity of systems of interconnected objects is a major challenge for both industrial and everyday life applications. We think, in particular, to fields like robotics, car industry, energy distribution or smart buildings, where it is essential to tackle autonomous heterogeneous objects and to develop robust control tools to optimize their interconnections. Our research in this direction will be developed within three interconnected tasks.