Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Overall Objectives

Algorithms for inverse problems in visual data processing

Based on the above models, besides compression, our goal is also to develop algorithms for solving a number of inverse problems in computer vision. Our emphasis is on methods to cope with limitations of sensors (e.g. enhancing spatial, angular or temporal resolution of captured data, or noise removal), to synthesize virtual views or to reconstruct (e.g. in a compressive sensing framework) light fields from a sparse set of input views, to recover HDR visual content from multiple exposures, and to enable content editing (we focus on color transfer, re-colorization, object removal and inpainting). Note that view synthesis is a key component of multiview and light field compression. View synthesis is also needed to support user navigation and interactive streaming. It is also needed to avoid angular aliasing in some post-capture processing tasks, such as re-focusing, from a sparse light field. Learning models for the data at hand is key for solving the above problems.