Section: Research Program

Evolution of the Socrate team

In 2018 the Socrate team which was originaly conceived to develop software defined radio has decided to split in two teams: the Maracas team will consist of the activities of Socrate Axis 2 and be directed by Jean-Marie Gorce, and the Socrate team which will consist in the Axis 1 and 3 of the current version of Socrate. This change is explicit since september 2018 as the Maracas team is created.

The advent of non-volatile memory technologies (NVRAM) is causing a major evolution in all software layers. On the one hand, the non-volatility of data in the event of a breakdown necessarily leads to fatal inconsistencies if the memory is not managed correctly. On the other hand, these memories have very different performances from the usual DRAM, which tends to the appearance of hybrid and complex memory hierarchies. Many technological and scientific challenges are to be faced in all software layers to deal with these two sets of issues. Above all, the answers to be provided depend on the calculation system considered and for what purpose it is constructed.

Within the framework of very low consumption sensors and devices, the Socrate team proposed, with Sytare  [28], a software solution allowing to develop embedded applications on platforms supporting an intermittent power supply (TPS – Transiently Powered System) and integrating NVRAM as illustrated in Figure 3. The IPL ZEP (https://project.inria.fr/iplzep/) was also launched by Socrate last year to respond to various scientific challenges related to this issue.

The recent advance in harvesting technologies provides new research direction to Socrate which have skills in radio propagation and low power radio (wake-up radio for instance  [31]. Fig 3, illustrates the future ultra-low sensor as envisioned by Socrate.

Figure 3. Architecture targeted by Socrate: low energy wireless sensor with peripherals and non volatile memory