Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

Pierre Alliez was program co-chair of the EUROGRAPHICS 2019 conference and of the Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM). From February 2019 Yuliya Tarabalka is on leave to the Luxcarta company for two years.


Cédric Portaneri and Pierre Alliez obtained a best paper award at the ACM Conference on Multimedia Systems for a contribution to the progressive compression of textured meshes, in collaboration with the Draco team from Google. Jean-Philippe Bauchet obtained an award for the best presentation at a national workshop (GMTG 2019). Jean-Dominique Favreau received the best PhD thesis award 2019 (assessit prize) from IG-RV. Onur Tasar was part of the winning team of the tomtom AI summer school challenge organized in the Netherlands.