Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: E. Franck, "Informatics S6", 35h, L3, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Master: Y. Privat, "Optimal control", 64h, M2, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Master: Y. Privat, "Optimization", 64h, M1, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Licence: Y. Privat, "Nonlinear Optimization", 52h, L3, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Agrégation: Y. Privat, "Text study", 30h. Strasbourg University, France

  • Licence: C. Courtès, "Scientific computing", 37h, L3, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Licence: C. Courtès, "Numerical analysis", 34h, L3, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Licence: C. Courtès, "Numerical analysis", 18h, L2, Strasbourg Unversity, France.

  • Licence: C. Courtès, "Multiple variables function", 10h, L2, Strasbourg Unversity, France.

  • Licence: L. Navoret, "Nonlinear Optimization", 18h, L3, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Licence: L. Navoret, "Statistics for biologists", 21.5h, L2, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Master: L. Navoret, "Scientific computing", 35h, M1, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Master: L. Navoret, "Numerical methods for PDEs", 30h, M1, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Master: L. Navoret, "Optimization", 12h, M1, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Master (physics): L. Navoret, "Numerical resolution techniques for engineering", 22h, M1, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Master (Agregation): L. Navoret, "Scientific computing", 50h, M2, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Master (cell physics): L. Navoret, "Basics in mathematics", 24h, M2, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Licence, P. Helluy, "Numerical analysis", 17h, L3, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Master, P. Helluy, "Scientific computing", 20h, Préparation agrégation, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Master, P. Helluy, "Scientific computing", 28h, M1, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Master, P. Helluy, "Hyperbolic systems", 35h, M2, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Licence, M. Boileau, "informatic", 10h, L3, Strasbourg university, France.

  • Master, M. Boileau, "data sciences", 20h , M2, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Master, M. Boileau, "Parallel computing", 20h, M1, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Master, M. Boileau, "Python for science", 36h, Strasbourg University, France.

  • Other, M. Boileau, "Basic for python", 14h, Urfist (Unité Régionale de Formation à l'Information Scientifique et Technique), France.



  • PhD in progress: G. Mestdagh, "Suivi de tumeur en temps réel par des méthodes d’optimisation", Strasbourg university. Beginning: September 2019. Y. Privat, S. Cotin.

  • PhD in progress: J. B. Arnau, "Stratégie de contrôle d’une population de moustiques pour la lutte contre les arbovirus". Beginning: September 2019. Y. Privat, Luis Almeida.

  • PhD in progress: A. Courtais, "Contrôle optimal de contacteurs à lit fixe par fabrication additive". Beginning: September 2017. Y. Privat, F. Lesage and A. Latifi.

  • PhD in progress: Idriss Mazari, "Répartition des ressources dans un enclos optimisant la survie des populations". Beginning: September 2017. Y. Privat, G. Nadin.

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Delyon, "Étude de la géométrie des œufs de certains branchiopodes". Beginning: September 2016. Y. Privat, A. Henrot.

  • PhD in progress: Mustafa Gaja, "Compatible Finite Elements for Wave and Fluid Models: Application to Plasma Physics". Beginning: October 2015. E. Franck, E. Sonnendrücker (main supervisor).

  • PhD in progress: Pierre Gerhard, "Numerical methods for kinetic models. Application to building acoustic". Beginning: Ocotober 2015. P. Helluy (main supervisor), L. Navoret.

  • PhD in progress: Romane Helie, "Relaxation methods for kinetic models in plasma physics". Beginning: October 2019. P. Helluy (main supervisor), L. Navoret, E. Franck.

  • PhD in progress: Marie Houillon: "Modeling of thin wires in electromagnetic software", Advisors:Philippe Helluy and Laurent Navoret, from October 2017, Labex Irmia support.

  • PhD in progress: Lucie Quibel (CIFRE support): in collaboration with EDF Chatou, from October2017, Advisor: Philippe Helluy.

  • PhD: Maxime Schmitt: "Optimization of scientific software with arbitrary mesh refinement", Defense: September 2019, Advisors: Philippe Helluy and Cédric Bastoul (CAMUS team). Labex Irmia support.


  • Y. Privat was member of jury of the PhD committee of F. Feppon, Ecole Polytechnique.

  • Y. Privat was member of jury of the PhD committee of A. Rebei. Paris Sciences et Lettres university.

  • Y. Privat was reviewer of jury of the PhD committee of N. Lebbe. Grenoble university.

  • P. Helluy was reviewer of jury of the PhD committee of S. Fornet. Toulouse, ISAE.

  • P. Helluy was reviewer of jury of the PhD committee of M. Kadiri. Normandie university.

  • P. Helluy was member of jury of the PhD committee of S. Bulteau. Nantes university.

  • P.Helluy was member of jury of the PhD committee of P. A. Giorgi. Aix-Marseille university.