Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Participants : Ivan Laptev, Jean-Paul Laumond, Jean Ponce, Josef Sivic.

The Prairie Institute (PaRis AI Research InstitutE) is one of the four French Institutes for Interdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence Research (3IA), which were created as part of the national French initiative on AI announced by President Emmanuel Macron on May 29, 2018. It brings together five academic partners (CNRS, Inria, Institut Pasteur, PSL University, and University of Paris) as well as 17 industrial partners, large corporations which are major players in AI at the French, European and international levels, as well as 45 Chair holders, including four of the members of WILLOW (Laumond, Laptev, Ponce, Sivic). Ponce is the scientific director of PRAIRIE.


Participant : Ivan Laptev.

DGA DRAAF is a two-year collaborative effort with University of Caen (F. Jurie) and the industrial partner EVITECH (P. Bernas) focused on modelling and recognition of violent behaviour in surveillance videos. The project aims to develop image recognition models and algorithms to automatically detect weapons, gestures and actions using recent advances in computer vision and deep learning to provide an affordable real-time solution reducing effects of threats in public places.