Section: Dissemination
Internal or external Inria responsibilities
F. Masseglia is “Chargé de mission auprès de la DGD-S Inria pour la médiation scientifique” (50% of his time) and heads Inria's national network of colleagues involved in science popularization.
Articles and contents
F. Masseglia is co-author of [21], [40] on the feedback of Class'Code after 3 years of project and on a vision about future work for computational thinking education and computer science popularisation.
A. Joly has given several interviews to different media giving rise to web articles about Pl@ntNet (see e.g. Google news with keyword Pl@ntNet).
Computer science is, for the first time in France, an official discipline teached in high school (Lycée) with the common course about "Sciences Numériques et Technologie". As written by Inira's CEO Bruno Sportisse: "For over a decade, the institute has carried out actions that have paved the way with the firm conviction that "training in and through digital technology" is strategic: I am thinking here, in particular, of the Class'Code project."
F. Masseglia is the initiator, with Serge Abiteboul, of the program called "1 scientifique — 1 classe : Chiche !" with the goal of reaching all the students of a specific level. This massive plan should concern all scientists at Inria and our partners in France.
F. Masseglia was ambassador of Inria for the Science Celebration Day (Fête de la science):
F. Masseglia gave a one day training on the Thymio robot for education in the media library networkprofessionals. February 1. Montpellier. 18 attendees.
F. Masseglia gave a one day training to teachers of French National Education on computational thinking. March 12. Montpellier. 20 attendees.
F. Masseglia gave a one day training to teachers in pediatric hospitals (CHU Arnaud de Villeneuve). February 2. Montpellier. 10 attendees.
F. Masseglia gave two days of training to computer science, robotics and computational thinking to reference teachers ("conseillers pédagogiques"). April 15 & 16. Montpellier. 20 attendees.
F. Masseglia gave two days of training to the media library network professionals on Poppy Ergo Jr. June 28 & September 6. Montpellier. 11 attendees.
F. Masseglia is a member of the scientific committee of a conference cycle on "Science and Society" organised with MSHSud.
P. Valduriez gave an invited talk on "Succeed in your Ph.D. Thesis: good practices and return of experience" at the Ph.D. meeting at LIRIS, Lyon, on Dec 11.
A. Joly was a member of the scientific advisory board of the AI Family Challenge organized by the NGO Iridescent that "supports girls, children, and their families to identify problems in their communities and find technology based solutions".
He organized an educational outing at the Montpellier Botanical Garden as part of the summer school organized each year by Polytech Montpellier (June 11). He participated in the organization and animation of the "wild salad" training organized by the association "Les écologistes de l'Euzière" 13-15 March.
F. Masseglia participated in the LIRMM events on science popularisation ("Fête de la science" on Feb 19, "accueil de stagiaires" on Oct 11), Montpellier.
A. Joly participated in: the animation of the Inria stand at the SIDO exhibition (April 10-11, Lyon); the Pl@ntNet launch ceremony in Costa Rica in the presence of the Minister of Research and decision-makers (April 20).
E. Pacitti participated in Polytech'Montpellier International Summer School (Flow) on the subject of Data Science - Plant Phenotyping.
A. Joly participated in the day "Ramène ta science" co-organized by TelaBotanica and "Sciences Avenir" associations at the Halle Tropisme in Montpellier (as part of the Labbota initiative). He co-facilitated a participatory workshop and a debate with citizens on the theme of participatory science.
Creation of media or tools for science outreach
In the context of the Floris'tic project, A. Joly participates regularly to popularization, educational and citizen science actions in France (with schools, cities, parks, associations, etc.). The softwares developed within the project (Pl@ntNet, Smart’Flore and ThePlantGame) are used in a growing number of formal educational programs and informal educational actions of individual teachers. For instance, Smart’Flore is used by the French National Education in a program for reducing early school leaving. Pl@ntNet app is used in the Reunion island in an educational action called Vegetal riddle organized by the Center for cooperation at school. It is also used in a large-scale program in Czech republic and Slovakia (with a total of 100 classrooms involved in the program). An impact study of the Pl@ntNet application did show that of the respondents use it for educational purposes in the context of their professional activity.
F. Masseglia participated in the work group on "Jeu des 7 familles de l'informatique". This card game provides support for education to computer science from the history point of view.
A. Joly actively participates to the design and development of all Pl@ntNet dissemination tools in particular Pl@ntNet web site that contains contents for the press, articles for the general public, tutorials of Pl@ntNet tools, guidelines for users of the API, etc.