Section: Members

Research Scientists

Patrick Rives [Team leader, Senior Researcher (DR) Inria, HdR]

Claude Samson [Senior Researcher (DR) Inria, HdR]

Pascal Morin [Junior Researcher (CR) Inria, up to end of September, HdR]

Andrew Comport [Junior Researcher (CR), I3S-UNSA-CNRS, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, external collaborator]

Faculty Member

Tarek Hamel [Professor, I3S-UNSA-CNRS, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, external collaborator]

PhD Students

Alexandre Chapoulie [DGA grant]

Gabriela Gallegos [CONICYT grant, thesis defended on June 17]

Daniele Pucci [UNSA grant]

Maxime Meilland [ANR CityVIP]

Adan Salazar [CONICYT grant, thesis defended on September 6]

Glauco Scandaroli [INRIA/PACA grant]

Cyril Joly [Engineer on Contract DGA/Rapid Canari]

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Luca Marchetti [INRIA grant]

Administrative Assistant

Nathalie Woodward [Secretary (SAR) Inria, part-time]


Wladyslaw Magiera [PhD student from the Institute of Computer Engineering, Control and Robotics, Wroclaw University of technology, Poland, from October 3 to December 2]