Section: Members
Research Scientists
Rachid Deriche [Team leader, Research Director (DR), HdR]Maureen Clerc [Engineer of the "Corps des Ponts et Chaussées (ICPC), on 5 years assignment with INRIA, HdR]
Théodore Papadopoulo [Junior Researcher, HdR]
Technical Staff
Nicolas Servant [Technical Assistant, from December 1st, 2009 to November 30th, 2011]Jaime Garcia Guevara [Technical Assistant, from January 17th, 2011]
Dieter Devlaminck [Technical Assistant, ANR contract CoAdapt, from November 15th, 2011]
PhD Students
Emmanuel Caruyer [Ph.D. student, UNSA grant Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, from October 1st, 2008]Jian Cheng [Ph.D. student, joint program with Liama of Beijing, UNSA grant from September 1st, 2008]
Joan Fruitet [Ph.D student, UNSA grant, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis from September 1st, 2009]
Aurobrata Ghosh [Ph.D. student, MESR and INRIA allowance, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, from October 1st, 2007 to May 22nd, 2011]
Emmanuel Olivi [Ph.D. student, half financed Grant from the PACA Region and from INRIA funding, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, from October 1st, 2008]
Sylvain Merlet [Ph.D. student, UNSA grant, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis from September 1st, 2010]
Sebastian Hitziger [Ph.D. student, half financed by a grant from the PACA Region and from ANR contracts Multimodel and CoAdapt, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis from November 2nd, 2011]
Anne-Charlotte Philippe [Ph.D. student, half financed Grant from the PACA Region and from INRIA funding, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, from October 1st, 2010]
Romain Trachel [Ph.D. student, DGA/CNRS grant, cosupervised with INCM Marseille, from October 1st, 2010]
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Eoin Thomas [PostDoc, ANR contract CoAdapt, from June 1st, 2011]Aurobrata Ghosh [PostDoc, ANR contract NucleiPark, from May 23th, 2011]