This team is a common project with INSA-Lyon and Claude Bernard University (Lyon 1). It has been created in June 2011 and is on its way to become a project team in 2012.

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Hugues Berry [Junior Researcher Inria, HdR]

Eric Tannier [Junior Researcher Inria, since December 1st 2011 (since E. Tannier joins us in December, his work in 2011 is not integrated to the annual report)., HdR]

Faculty Members

Guillaume Beslon [Team leader, Professor INSA-Lyon]

Carole Knibbe [Associate Professor Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1]

Christophe Rigotti [Associate Professor, INSA-Lyon, HdR]

Hédi A. Soula [Associate Professor, INSA-Lyon]

PhD Students

Bérénice Batut [INSA Lyon, started September 2011, co-supervised by G. Beslon and G. Marais]

Bertrand Caré [Started October 2009, Funded by an ADR Région Rhône-Alpes grant, co-supervised by H. Soula and C. Rigotti]

Anne-Sophie Coquel [Funded by AE ColAge, started September 2010, co-supervised by H. Berry and A. Lindner]

Stephan Fischer [INSA Lyon, started September 2010, supervised by G. Beslon and C. Knibbe]

Jules Lallouette [INSA Lyon, started September 2011, supervised by H. Berry]

Gaël Kaneko [Started April 2008, Funded by an ADR Région Rhône-Alpes grant, co-supervised by G. Beslon and O. Gandrillon]

Pierre-Nicolas Mougel [INSA Lyon, started September 2009, supervised by C. Rigotti]

David P. Parsons [INSA Lyon, started September 2008, defended December 2011, co-supervised by G. Beslon and C. Knibbe]

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Pierre Gabriel [Funded by ANR project PagDeg]

Administrative Assistant

Caroline Suter