
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1S. Abiteboul, L. Segoufin, V. Vianu.

    Static Analysis of Active XML Systems, in: ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 2009, vol. 34, no 4.
  • 2M. Benedikt, L. Segoufin.

    Regular tree languages definable in FO and in FO 𝑚𝑜𝑑 , in: ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 2009, vol. 11, no 1.
  • 3M. Benedikt, L. Segoufin.

    Towards a Characterization of Order-Invariant Queries over Tame Structures, in: Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2009, vol. 74, no 1, p. 168-186.
  • 4M. Bojańczyk, A. Muscholl, Th. Schwentick, L. Segoufin.

    Two-variable logic on data trees and applications to XML reasoning, in: Journal of the ACM, 2009, vol. 56, no 3.
  • 5R. Brochenin, S. Demri, É. Lozes.

    Reasoning about sequences of memory states, in: Annals of Pure and Applied Logics, 2009, vol. 161, no 3, p. 305-323.
  • 6Balder ten. Cate, L. Segoufin.

    Transitive Closure Logic, Nested Tree Walking Automata, and XPath, in: Journal of the ACM, 2010, vol. 57, no 3.
  • 7B. Cautis, S. Abiteboul, T. Milo.

    Reasoning about XML update constraints, in: Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2009, vol. 75, no 6, p. 336-358.
  • 8S. Demri, R. Gascon.

    The Effects of Bounding Syntactic Resources on Presburger LTL, in: Journal of Logic and Computation, 2009, vol. 19, no 6, p. 1541-1575.
  • 9S. Demri, R. Lazić.

    LTL with the freeze quantifier and register automata, in: ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 2009, vol. 10, no 3.
  • 10L. Libkin, C. Sirangelo.

    Reasoning about XML with temporal logics and automata, in: Journal of Applied Logic, 2010, vol. 8, no 2, p. 210-232.

Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 11P. Bourhis.

    On the Dynamics of Active Documents for Distributed Data Management, Université Paris-Sud, 2011.
  • 12A. Galland.

    Distributed Data Management with Access Control, Université Paris-Sud, 2011.
  • 13F. Jacquemard.

    Extended Tree Automata for the Verification of Infinite Systems, École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France, nov 2011, Mémoire d'habilitation.

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • 14S. Abiteboul, T.-H. H. Chan, E. Kharlamov, W. Nutt, P. Senellart.

    Capturing Continuous Data and Answering Aggregate Queries in Probabilistic XML, in: ACM Trans. on Database systems (ToDS), 2011, vol. 36, no 4.
  • 15S. Abiteboul, G. Gottlob, M. Manna.

    Distributed XML design, in: J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 2011, vol. 77, no 6, p. 936-964.
  • 16M. Bojańczyk, C. David, A. Muscholl, T. Schwentick, L. Segoufin.

    Two-variable logic on words with data, in: ACM Trans. on Computational Logic (ToCL), 2011, vol. 12, no 4.
  • 17A. Bouhoula, F. Jacquemard.

    Sufficient completeness verification for conditional and constrained TRS, in: Journal of Applied Logic, 2011. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jal.2011.09.001 ]

  • 18F. Jacquemard, F. Klay, C. Vacher.

    Rigid Tree Automata and Applications, in: Information and Computation, February 2011, vol. 209, no 3, p. 486-512. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.ic.2010.11.015 ]

  • 19W. Kazana, L. Segoufin.

    First-order query evaluation on structures of bounded degree, in: Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS), 2011, vol. 7, no 2.
  • 20L. Libkin, C. Sirangelo.

    Data exchange and schema mappings in open and closed worlds, in: Journal of Computer System Sciences (JCSS), 2011.

International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 21S. Abiteboul, M. Bienvenu, A. Galland, E. Antoine.

    A rule-based language for Web data management, in: Proc. ACM Symp. on Principles of Database Systems (PODS), Athens, Greece, June 2011.

  • 22S. Abiteboul, M. Bienvenu, A. Galland, M.-C. Rousset.

    Distributed Datalog Revisited, in: Datalog 2.0 Workshop, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2011.

  • 23S. Abiteboul, P. Bourhis, V. Vianu.

    Comparing Workflow Specification Languages: A Matter of Views, in: International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT), Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011.

  • 24S. Abiteboul, Balder ten. Cate, Y. Katsis.

    On the Equivalence of Distributed Systems with Queries and Communication, in: International Conference on Database Theory, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011.

  • 25M. Anderson, D. van Melkebeek, N. Schweikardt, L. Segoufin.

    Locality of queries definable in invariant first-order logic with arbitrary built-in predicates, in: Proc. of Intl. Coll. on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), 2011.
  • 26E. Antoine, A. Galland, K. Lyngbaek, A. Marian, N. Polyzotis.

    [Demo] Social Networking on top of the WebdamExchange System, in: International Conference on Data Engineering, Hannover, Germany, April 2011.

  • 27V. Barany, Balder ten. Cate, L. Segoufin.

    Guarded negation, in: Proc. of Intl. Coll. on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), 2011.
  • 28M. Bersani, S. Demri.

    The complexity of reversal-bounded model-checking, in: 8th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FROCOS'11), 2011, p. 71–86.
  • 29Balder ten. Cate, L. Segoufin.

    Unary negation, in: Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS), 2011, p. 344-355.
  • 30D. Figueira, L. Segoufin.

    Bottom-up automata on data trees and vertical XPath, in: Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS), 2011, p. 93-104.
  • 31A. Galland, S. Abiteboul, N. Polyzotis.

    Web information management with access control, in: 14th International Workshop on the Web and Databases (WebDB), Athens, Greece, May 2011.

  • 32F. Goasdoué, K. Karanasos, Y. Katsis, J. Leblay, I. Manolescu, S. Zampetakis.

    Growing Triples on Trees: an XML-RDF Hybrid Model for Annotated Documents, in: First International Workshop on Searching and Integrating New Web Data Sources, Seattle, United States, M. Brambilla, F. Casati, S. Ceri (editors), September 2011.

  • 33F. Jacquemard, Y. Kojima, M. Sakai.

    Controlled Term Rewriting, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS), 2011, p. 179-194.
  • 34F. Jacquemard, É. Lozes, R. Treinen, J. Villard.

    Multiple Congruence Relations, First-Order Theories on Terms, and the Frames of the Applied Pi-Calculus, in: Theory of Security and Applications (TOSCA, affiliated to ETAPS), Saarbrücken, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2011.

  • 35L. Segoufin, S. Toruńczyk.

    Automata based verification over linearly ordered data domains, in: Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS), 2011, p. 81-92.
  • 36F. M. Suchanek, D. Gross-Amblard, S. Abiteboul.

    Watermarking for Ontologies, in: International Semantic Web Conference (1), 2011, p. 697-713.

National Conferences with Proceeding

  • 37J. Echeveste, A. Cont, J.-L. Giavitto, F. Jacquemard.

    Formalisation des relations temporelles entre une partition et une performance musicale dans un contexte d'accompagnement automatique, in: Actes du 8eme Colloque sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR'11), Lille, France, É. Craye, A. Gamatié (editors), Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, Hermès, November 2011, vol. 45.

Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 38S. Abiteboul, I. Manolescu, P. Rigaux, M.-C. Rousset, P. Senellart.

    Web Data Management, Cambridge University Press, 2011.

  • 39S. Demri, D. Poitrenaud.

    Verification of Infinite-State Systems, in: Models and Analysis for Distributed Systems, S. Haddad, F. Kordon, L. Pautet, L. Petrucci (editors), Wiley, 2011, no 8, p. 221–269.