Section: Dissemination
As a Maître de conférence Cristina Sirangelo is teaching in the department of computer science of ENS de Cachan.
As a PhD. student with half of a "mission d'enseignement" Émilien Antoine is teaching in the departement of computer science of Université de Paris-Sud 11.
Licence : “Bases de données”, Serge Abiteboul, 20h, L3, ENs Cachan
Master : “Web Data Management”, Serge Abiteboul, 12h, M2, MPRI.
Doctorat : “Tree automata techniques for the verification of infinite state-systems”, Florent Jacquemard, 7h, Liège, Belgique.
Doctorat : “Web data management”, Serge Abiteboul, 3h, International Workshop on Hot Topics in Distributed Computing, La Plagne, France.
Doctorat : “The WWW”, Serge Abiteboul, 3h, the thematic scool of the University ES-Sénia, Oran, Algeria.
Doctorat : “Web data management”, Serge Abiteboul, 3h, the Journées Nationales APMEP.
PhD & HdR
HdR : Florent Jacquemard, Extended Tree Automata for the Verification of Infinite Systems, ENS Cachan, November 10 2011
PhD : Pierre Bourhis, On the dynamics of active documents for distributed data management, Université Paris-Sud 11, February 11th 2011, Serge Abiteboul
PhD : Alban Galland, Distributed Data Management with Access Control, Université Paris-Sud 11, September 28th 2011, Serge Abiteboul