Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Organization of workshops and conferences.
  • Serge Abiteboul was General PC chair of the Intl. Conf. on Data Engineering (ICDE) in 2011.

  • Luc Segoufin co-organized with Thomas Schwentick (U. Dortmund), Serge Abiteboul and Alin Deutch (UCSD) a Dagstuhl Workshop on Foundation of XML data.

Program Committees.
  • Stéphane Demri: Intl. Conf. on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Sciences (MFCS'11), Int. Workshop on Methods for Modalities (M4M 2011), 5th Int. Workshop on Reachability Problems (RP'2011).

  • Florent Jacquemard: Rewriting Techniques and Application (RTA'11).

  • Luc Segoufin: Logic in Computer Science (LICS'11).

  • Cristina Sirangelo: Intl. Conf. on Database Theory (ICDT'11), ACM Principles of Database Systems (PODS'11).

Editorial boards.

Stéphane Demri is member of the publication board of the review “Technique et Science Informatiques” (among 5 members).

Juries of Ph.D theses.
  • Luc Segoufin was reviewer for the Ph.Ds of Tobias Ganzo (U. Aachen, 2011).

  • Stéphane Demri was reviewer for the PhD of Rafiq Saleh (U. Liverpool, Sep. 2011) and is examinator for the PhD of François Bobot (LRI, Dec. 2011).

Juries of HDR theses.
  • Luc Segoufin was member of the HDR jury of Florent Jacquemard (ENSC, 2011).

  • Stéphane Demri is a member of the DIM LSC committee (Région IdF) in 2011.

  • Luc Segoufin is since 2009 the coordinator of the european project FoX. Since 2010 he is a member of the steering committee of the Intl. Conf. on Database Theory (ICDT). Since 2010 he is part of the “bureau du commité des projets” à l'INRIA Saclay. Since 2011 he is part of the scientific board of INRIA. Since 2010 he is responsible of the groupe de travail “Complexité et Modèles Finis” du GDR “Mathématique et Informatique” (http://www.gdr-im.fr/ ).

Larger audience.

Serge Abiteboul participated in a panel at Futurs en Seine, and in debates in Sèvres and Geneva. He has been interviewed by the magazine Enjeux, Les Echos.

Serge Abiteboul presented a keynote talk at the International Workshop for the 30th anniversay of ACM PODS Conference on Principles of Database Systems.


Serge Abiteboul has been elected to the Academia Europea. He has also been elected ACM Fellow.