Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • Editorial boards of journals

    • Eric Marchand is Associate Editor of the IEEE Trans. on Robotics

    • François Chaumette is in the Editorial Board of the Int. Journal of Robotics Research. He is also Associate Editor of the Int. Journal of Optomechatronics.

  • Technical program committees of conferences

    • François Chaumette: ICRA'11, IROS'11, ICRA'12.

    • Eric Marchand: CVPR'11, Orasis'11, IROS'11, RFIA'12, ICRA'12

    • Alexandre Krupa: Orasis'11

  • Selection committees

    • François Chaumette was in the selection committee for a Professor position at Ecole Centrale de Nantes, for an Assistant Prof. position at University of Cergy-Pontoise (“Chaire CNRS”), and for an Assistant Prof. position at University of Amiens.

    • Eric Marchand was in the selection committee for an Assistant Prof. position at Insa Lyon (“Chaire CNRS”), and for an Assistant Prof. position at Université de Rennes 1.

  • Ph.D. and HdR jury

    • François Chaumette: Hector Becerra (Ph.D., reviewer, University of Zaragosa, Spain), Paolo Salaris (Ph.D., University of Pisa, Italy), Felipe Belo (Ph.D., University of Pisa, Italy), Viviane Cadenat (HdR, Laas, reviewer)

  • François Chaumette is a member of the Scientific Council of the GdR on Robotics.

  • Eric Marchand was elected in the board of the “Images et réseaux” cluster.

  • Eric Marchand was elected in the scientic commission of the École supérieure d'ingénieurs de Rennes.

  • Alexandre Krupa is a member of the Inria Cost-GTAI in charge of the evaluation of the ARC and ADT from October 2011.

  • François Chaumette is a member of the executive board of the project committee of Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique.

  • François Chaumette is a member of the animation committee of Inria's thematic domain “Perception, cognition, interaction”.

  • Fabien Spindler is a member of the “Comité de centre” and of the “Commission développement durable” of Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique.

  • Alexandre Krupa is a member of the CUMIR of Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique (Commission des Utilisateurs des Moyens Informatiques).