
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1M. Biet, F. Giraud, B. Lemaire-Semail.

    Squeeze film effect for the design of an ultrasonic tactile plate, in: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonic, Ferroelectric and Frequency Control, December 2007, vol. 54, no 12, p. 2678-2688.

  • 2G. Casiez, N. Roussel.

    No more bricolage! Methods and tools to characterize, replicate and compare pointing transfer functions, in: Proceedings of UIST'11, ACM, October 2011, p. 603-614.

  • 3G. Casiez, N. Roussel, R. Vanbelleghem, F. Giraud.

    Surfpad: riding towards targets on a squeeze film effect, in: Proceedings of CHI 2011, ACM, May 2011, p. 2491-2500, "Honorable mention" award (top 5%).

  • 4G. Casiez, D. Vogel, R. Balakrishnan, A. Cockburn.

    The impact of control-display gain on user performance in pointing tasks, in: Human-Computer Interaction, 2008, vol. 23, no 3, p. 215–250, Taylor and Francis.

  • 5G. Casiez, D. Vogel, Q. Pan, C. Chaillou.

    RubberEdge: reducing clutching by combining position and rate control with elastic feedback, in: Proceedings of UIST'07, ACM, 2007, p. 129–138.

  • 6A. Martinet, G. Casiez, L. Grisoni.

    The design and evaluation of 3D positioning techniques for multi-touch displays, in: Proceedings of 3DUI'10, United States Waltham, IEEE Computer Society, 2010, p. 115–118.

  • 7P. Sergeant, F. Giraud, B. Lemaire-Semail.

    Geometrical optimization of an ultrasonic tactile plate, in: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2010, vol. 191, no 1–2, p. 91–100, Elsevier.

  • 8A. Theetten, L. Grisoni, C. Andriot, B. Barsky.

    Geometrically exact dynamic splines, in: Journal of Computer Aided Design, 2008, vol. 40, no 1, p. 35–48.

  • 9Radu Daniel. Vatavu, D. Vogel, G. Casiez, L. Grisoni.

    Estimating the perceived difficulty of pen gestures, in: Proceedings of INTERACT'11, Springer, September 2011.

  • 10D. Vogel, G. Casiez.

    Conté: multimodal input inspired by an artist's crayon, in: Proceedings of UIST'11, ACM, October 2011.

Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 11A. Martinet.

    Etude de l'infuence de la séparation des degrés de liberté pour la manipulation 3-D à l'aide de surfaces tactiles multipoints, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, October 2011.

  • 12J. Ringard.

    Un modèle de conception dédié à l'interaction collaborative colocalisée, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, October 2011.


Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • 13F. Giraud, P. Sandulescu, M. Amberg, B. Lemaire-Semail, F. Ionescu.

    Modeling and Compensation of the Internal Friction Torque of a Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor, in: IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2011, vol. 4, no 4, p. 327-331.


Articles in Non Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • 14L. Grisoni, A. Baillet, J. Lozada, G. Casiez, S. Bouilland, F. Giraud, D. Dréan, D. Nadalini, M. Wiertlewski, J.-M. Flamant.

    REACTIVE: Development of a tool for rehabilitation for stroke survivors in virtual reality, in: IRBM, March 2011, vol. 32, no 2. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.irbm.2011.01.025 ]


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 15M. Amberg, F. Giraud, B. Semail, P. Olivo, G. Casiez, N. Roussel.

    STIMTAC, a tactile input device with programmable friction, in: Adjunct proceedings of UIST'11, ACM, October 2011, p. 7-8, Best demo award, second place.

  • 16G. Casiez, N. Roussel.

    No more bricolage! Methods and tools to characterize, replicate and compare pointing transfer functions, in: Proceedings of UIST'11, ACM, October 2011, p. 603-614.

  • 18Radu Daniel. Vatavu, D. Vogel, G. Casiez, L. Grisoni.

    Estimating the perceived difficulty of pen gestures, in: Proceedings of INTERACT'11, Springer, September 2011.

  • 19D. Vogel, G. Casiez.

    Conté: multimodal input inspired by an artist's crayon, in: Proceedings of UIST'11, ACM, October 2011.

  • 20Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, Z. Hou, B. Lemaire-Semail.

    Adding haptic feedback to touch screens at the right time, in: Proceedings of ICMI 2011, ACM, 2011, p. 73-80.

  • 21T. Zeng, F. Giraud, B. Lemaire-Semail, M. Amberg.

    Haptic Perception of Curvature through Active Touch, in: Proceedings of World Haptics, IEEE Computer Society, June 2011, p. 533-538.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 22O. Losson, G. Casiez, F. Cabestaing, F. Aubert.

    Projet Encadré "Image Vision Interaction": Surface Multi-touch, in: Colloque CETSIS, Québec, Canada, October 2011.

  • 23P. Olivo, D. Marchal, N. Roussel.

    Software requirements for a (more) manageable multi-touch ecosystem, in: EICS 2011 Workshop on Engineering Patterns for Multi-Touch Interfaces, June 2011, Position paper for the EICS 2011 Workshop on Engineering Patterns for Multi-Touch Interfaces. 4 pages.

Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 24F. Giraud, B. Semail.

    Commande des actionneurs piézoélectriques, in: Commandes d'actionneurs électriques synchrones et spéciaux, Hermes Sciences Publications (editor), EGEM - Génie Electrique, Hermes Sciences Publications, October 2011.


Patents and standards

  • 25G. Casiez, D. Vogel.

    Multi-touch human interface system and device for graphical input, and method for processing image in such a system, October 2011, no PCT/FR2011/062409.

  • 26M. Hachet, J.-B. De La Rivière, B. Bossavit, G. Casiez.

    Système de colocalisation d'un écran tactile et d'un objet virtuel et dispositif pour la manipulation d'objets virtuels mettant en œuvre un tel système, June 2011, no 1155341.

References in notes
  • 27M. Beaudouin-Lafon.

    Designing interaction, not interfaces, in: Proceedings of AVI'04, ACM, 2004, p. 15-22.

  • 28M. Beaudouin-Lafon, W. E. Mackay.

    Prototyping tools and techniques, in: The Human Computer Interaction handbook: fundamentals, evolving technologies and emerging applications, A. Sears, J. A. Jacko (editors), CRC Press, 2007, p. 1017-1039.
  • 29M. Biet, F. Giraud, B. Semail.

    Squeeze film effect for the design of an ultrasonic tactile plate, in: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonic, Ferroelectric and Frequency Control, December 2007, vol. 54, no 12, p. 2678-2688.

  • 30R. Blanch, Y. Guiard, M. Beaudouin-Lafon.

    Semantic pointing: improving target acquisition with control-display ratio adaptation, in: Proceedings of CHI'04, ACM, 2004, p. 519–526.

  • 31G. Casiez, D. Vogel, R. Balakrishnan, A. Cockburn.

    The Impact of Control-Display Gain on User Performance in Pointing Tasks, in: Human-Computer Interaction, 2008, vol. 23, no 3, p. 215–250.
  • 32 IST Advisory Group.

    Ambient Intelligence: from vision to reality, ISTAG, September 2003, 31 pages.

  • 33W. E. Mackay.

    Users and customizable software: a co-adaptive phenomenon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 1990.
  • 34M. J. Muller.

    Participatory design: the third space in HCI, in: The Human Computer Interaction handbook: fundamentals, evolving technologies and emerging applications, A. Sears, J. A. Jacko (editors), CRC Press, 2007, p. 1061-1081.
  • 35D. H. Rubine.

    The automatic recognition of gestures, Carnegie Mellon University, December 1991.

  • 36W. R. Shadish, T. D. Cook, D. T. Campbell.

    Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference, Wadsworth Publishing, 2002.
  • 37A. D. Wilson, A. F. Bobick.

    Parametric Hidden Markov Models for gesture recognition, in: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, September 1999, vol. 21, no 9, p. 884–900.
  • 38J. O. Wobbrock, A. D. Wilson, Y. Li.

    Gestures without libraries, toolkits or training: a $1 recognizer for user interface prototypes, in: Proceedings of UIST'07, ACM, 2007, p. 159–168.

  • 39G. A. ten Holt, M. J. T. Reinders, E. A. Hendriks.

    Multi-dimensional dynamic time warping for gesture recognition, in: Proceedings of the Thirteenth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging, 2007.
