Section: Overall Objectives


  • S. Degrande received a “Crystal ” award from CNRS, a distinction attributed every year to technical staff members whose original and inventive contributions benefit a body of professionals beyond the confines of a single laboratory or department;

  • G. Casiez, N. Roussel, R. Vanbelleghem and F. Giraud's paper on the Surfpad pointing facilitation technique [17] received an honorable mention award (top 5% of the 1540 submissions) from the ACM CHI 2011 conference;

  • M. Amberg, F. Giraud, B. Lemaire-Semail, P. Olivo, G. Casiez and N. Roussel's demo of the STIMTAC [15] received the second place award for best demo from the ACM UIST 2011 conference attendees;

  • B. Lemaire-Semail, M. Amberg, F. Giraud, N. Roussel and P. Olivo's work on the 3DTOUCH project received a “5 stars” label from STMicroelectronics' Core Innovation Team;

  • L. Grisoni, N. Bremard and S. Degrande collaborated with artists Alexandre Maubert and Léonore Mercier on Monade and Damassama, two interactive pieces shown at Le Fresnoy 's Panorama 13 exhibition;

  • N. Bremard, J. Gilliot, L. Grisoni, D. Marchal, C. Moerman, P. Olivo, Y. Rekik, N. Roussel and D. Selosse visited 38 college and high school classes during the “Fête de la Science” (October 10-14, about 900 students);

  • About 200 researchers, artists, practitioners and enthusiasts participated in FITG II + ArtLab , an open event co-organized by N. Roussel and C. Chaillou in cooperation with Pôle Images (September 22-23);

  • T. Pietrzak joined the team in September 2011 after a PhD at the University of Metz and post-doctoral stays at Telecom ParisTech (INFRES, IC2/VIA) and the University of Toronto (DGP).

Best Paper Award :

[17] Surfpad: riding towards targets on a squeeze film effect in Proceedings of CHI 2011.

G. Casiez, N. Roussel, R. Vanbelleghem, F. Giraud.