
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1B. Baudry, F. Fleurey, J.-M. Jézéquel, Y. Le Traon.

    Automatic Test Cases Optimization: a Bacteriologic Algorithm, in: IEEE Software, March 2005, vol. 22, no 2, p. 76–82.
  • 2B. Baudry, S. Ghosh, F. Fleurey, R. France, Y. Le Traon, J.-M. Mottu.

    Barriers to Systematic Model Transformation Testing, in: Communications of the ACM journal, Jun 2010, vol. 53, no 6, 10 pages p.

  • 3J.-M. Jézéquel.

    Real Time Components and Contracts, in: Model Driven Engineering for Distributed Real Time Embedded Systems, Hermes Science Publishing Ltd, London, 2005.
  • 4J.-M. Jézéquel.

    Model Driven Design and Aspect Weaving, in: Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), may 2008, vol. 7, no 2, p. 209–218.
  • 5J. Klein, F. Fleurey, J.-M. Jézéquel.

    Weaving Multiple Aspects in Sequence Diagrams, in: Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (TAOSD), 2007, vol. LNCS 4620, p. 167-199.

  • 6Y. Le Traon, B. Baudry, J.-M. Jézéquel.

    Design by Contract to improve Software Vigilance, in: IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, August 2006, vol. 32, no 8, p. 571–586.
  • 7B. Morin, O. Barais, J.-M. Jézéquel, F. Fleurey, A. Solberg.

    Models at Runtime to Support Dynamic Adaptation, in: IEEE Computer, October 2009, p. 46-53.

  • 8C. Nebut, F. Fleurey, Y. Le Traon, J.-M. Jézéquel.

    Automatic Test Generation: A Use Case Driven Approach, in: IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, March 2006, vol. 32, no 3, p. 140–155.
  • 9J. Steel, J.-M. Jézéquel.

    On Model Typing, in: Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), December 2007, vol. 6, no 4, p. 401–414.

  • 10G. Sunyé, A. Le Guennec, J.-M. Jézéquel.

    Using UML Action Semantics for Model Execution and Transformation, in: Information Systems, Elsevier, July 2002, vol. 27, no 6, p. 445–457.
  • 11T. Ziadi, J.-M. Jézéquel.

    Product Line Engineering with the UML: Deriving Products, in: Software Product Lines - Research Issues in Engineering and Management, T. Käkölä, J. C. Dueñas (editors), Springer Verlag, 2006, no ISBN: 978-3-540-33252-7, p. 557–586.
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 12M. Belaunde.

    Le Développement Agile de Services de Télécommunication Intégrés via des techniques d'ingénierie des modèles., Université Rennes 1, January 2011.

  • 13M. Clavreul.

    Composition de modèles et de métamodèles : Séparation des correspondances et des interprétations pour unifier les approches de composition existantes, Université Rennes 1, December 2011, final draft.

  • 14M. Driss.

    Approche multi-perspective centrée exigences de composition de services Web, Université Rennes 1, December 2011.

  • 15G. Nain.

    EnTiMid : Un modèle de composants pour intégrer des objets communicants dans des applications à base de services, Université Rennes 1, December 2011.


Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • 16B. Baudry, G. Fraser, J. Bradbury.

    Guest Editorial for Special Section on Mutation Testing., in: Information and Software Technology, October 2011.

  • 17J. Bourcier, A. Diaconescu, P. Lalanda, M. Julie.

    AutoHome: an Autonomic Management Framework for Pervasive Home Applications, in: ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS), February 2011, vol. 6, no 1.

  • 18R. Delamare, B. Baudry, S. Ghosh, S. Gupta, Y. Le Traon.

    An Approach for Testing Pointcut Descriptors in AspectJ, in: Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, April 2011, AOP, test oracle, mutation analysis, test framework.

  • 19M. Driss, Y. Jamoussi, N. Moha, J.-M. Jézéquel, H. Hajjami Ben Ghézala.

    Une approche centrée exigences pour la composition de services web, in: Ingenierie des Systemes d Information, May 2011, vol. 16, no 2, p. 97-125.

  • 20M. Monperrus, B. Baudry, J.-M. Jézéquel, J. Champeau, B. Hoeltzener.

    Automated Measurement of Models of Requirements, in: Software Quality Journal, 2011, WOS. [ DOI : 10.1007/s11219-011-9163-6 ]

  • 21M. Monperrus, J.-M. Jézéquel, B. Baudry, J. Champeau, B. Hoeltzener.

    Model-driven Generative Development of Measurement Software, in: Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), 2011, vol. 10, no 4, p. 537-552, WOS.

  • 22J. Simonin, E. Bertin, Y. Le Traon, J.-M. Jézéquel, N. Crespi.

    Analysis and improvement of the alignment between business and information system for telecom services, in: International Journal On Advances in Software, 2011, vol. 4, no 1 & 2, p. 117-128.


Invited Conferences

  • 23X. Dolques, M. Huchard, C. Nebut, H. Saada.

    Formal and Relational Concept Analysis approaches in Software Engineering: an overview and an application to learn model transformation patterns in examples, in: ICESE'11: First ICESE Virtual Workshop, Search-based Model-Driven Engineering, Qatar, May 2011.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 24F. André, E. Daubert, G. Gauvrit.

    Distribution and Self-Adaptation of a Framework for Dynamic Adaptation of Services, in: The Sixth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW), St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles, IARIA, March 2011, p. 16-21.

  • 25Z. Azmeh, M. Driss, F. Hamoui, M. Huchard, N. Moha, C. Tibermacine.

    Selection of Composable Web Services Driven by User Requirements, in: ICWS'11: 9th IEEE International Conference on Web Services - Applications and Experiences Track, Washington DC, United States, IEEE Computer Society, July 2011, 8 p.

  • 26O. Beaudoux, A. Blouin, O. Barais, J.-M. Jézéquel.

    Specifying and implementing UI Data Bindings with Active Operations, in: ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, Pise, Italy, June 2011, p. 127–136. [ DOI : 10.1145/1996461.1996506 ]

  • 27A. Blouin, B. Combemale, B. Baudry, O. Beaudoux.

    Modeling Model Slicers, in: ACM/IEEE 14th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Wellington, New Zealand, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, October 2011, vol. 6981, p. 62–76. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-24485-8_6 ]

  • 28A. Blouin, B. Morin, O. Beaudoux, G. Nain, P. Albers, J.-M. Jézéquel.

    Combining Aspect-Oriented Modeling with Property-Based Reasoning to Improve User Interface Adaptation, in: ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, Pise, Italy, June 2011, p. 85–94. [ DOI : 10.1145/1996461.1996500 ]

  • 29J. Cadavid, B. Baudry, B. Combemale.

    Empirical evaluation of the conjunct use of MOF and OCL, in: Experiences and Empirical Studies in Software Modelling (EESSMod 2011), Wellington, New Zealand, M. Chaudron, M. Genero, P. Mohagheghi, L. Pareto (editors), CEUR, October 2011.

  • 30M. Clavreul, S. Mosser, M. Blay-Fornarino, R. B. France.

    Service-Oriented Architecture Modeling: Bridging the Gap between Structure and Behavior, in: Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Wellington, New Zealand, J. Whittle, T. Clark, T. Kühne (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011, vol. 6981, p. 289-303. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-24485-8_21 ]

  • 31B. Combemale, L. Gonnord, V. Rusu.

    A Generic Tool for Tracing Executions Back to a DSML's Operational Semantics, in: Seventh European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, Birmingham, United Kingdom, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, June 2011, vol. 6698, p. 35-51.

  • 32X. Dolques, A. Dogui, J.-R. Falleri, M. Huchard, C. Nebut, F. Pfister.

    Easing Model Transformation Learning with Automatically Aligned Examples, in: ECMFA'11: 7th European Conference Modelling – Foundation and Applications, Birmingham, UK, France, R. B. France, J. M. Küster, B. Bordbar, R. F. Paige (editors), LNCS: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, June 2011, vol. 6698, p. 189-204. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-21470-7_14 ]

  • 33M. Driss, Y. Jamoussi, J.-M. Jézéquel, H. Hajjami Ben Ghézala.

    A Multi-Perspective Approach for Web Service Composition, in: iiWAS 2011, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, December 2011.

  • 34F. Fleurey, B. Morin, A. Solberg, O. Barais.

    MDE to Manage Communications with and between Resource-Constrained Systems, in: Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Wellington, Nouvelle-Zélande, October 2011, vol. 6981/2011, 16 p.

  • 35A. Floch, T. Yuki, C. Guy, S. Derrien, B. Combemale, S. Rajopadhye, R. France.

    Model-Driven Engineering and Optimizing Compilers: A bridge too far?, in: International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Wellington, New Zealand, October 2011.

  • 36A. Hervieu, B. Baudry, A. Gotlieb.

    PACOGEN : Automatic Generation of Pairwise Test Configurations from Feature Models, in: ISSRE, Hiroshima, Japan, December 2011.

  • 37C. Jeanneret, M. Glinz, B. Baudry.

    Estimating Footprints of Model Operations, in: International Conference on Software Engineering, Honolulu, United States, May 2011.

  • 38A. Kattepur, S. Sen, B. Baudry, A. Benveniste, C. Jard.

    Pairwise Testing of Dynamic Composite Services, in: The 6th international symposium on Software engineering for adaptive and self-managing systems, Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, 1988028, ACM, 2011, p. 138–147. [ DOI : 10.1145/1988008.1988028 ]

  • 39M. Kezadri, B. Combemale, M. Pantel, X. Thirioux.

    A Proof Assistant Based Formalization of components in MDE, in: 8th International Symposium on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2011), Oslo, Norway, University of Oslo, Norway, September 2011.

  • 40T. Mouelhi, Y. Le Traon, E. Abgrall, B. Baudry, S. Gombault.

    Tailored Shielding and Bypass Testing of Web Applications, in: International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation, Berlin, Germany, March 2011.

  • 41A. Raji, P. Dhaussy, B. Baudry.

    Formal Extension of Use Cases for Context-Aware Verification, in: MoDeVVA 2011 - Model-Driven Engineering, Verification, and Validation: Integrating Verification and Validation in MDE, Wellington, New Zealand, October 2011, xx p.

  • 42N. Sannier, B. Baudry, T. Nguyen.

    Formalizing standards and regulations variability in longlife projects. A challenge for Model-driven engineering, in: Model-Driven Requirements Engineering Workshop (MoDRE), Trento, Italy, August 2011. [ DOI : 10.1109/MoDRE.2011.6045368 ]


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 43B. Combemale, X. Crégut, A. Dieumegard, M. Pantel, F. Zalila.

    Teaching MDE through the Formal Verification of Process Models, in: 7th Educators' Symposium @ MODELS 2011: Software Modeling in Education (EduSymp2011), Wellington, New Zealand, ECEASST (editor), Marion Brandsteidl; Andreas Winter, July 2011.

  • 44E. Daubert, F. André, O. Barais.

    Adaptation multi-niveaux : l'infrastructure au service des applications, in: Conférence Française en Systèmes d'Exploitation (CFSE), St Malo, France, May 2011.

  • 45C. Guy, S. Derrien, B. Combemale, J.-M. Jézéquel.

    Vers un rapprochement de l'IDM et de la compilation, in: Journées sur l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles, Lille, France, June 2011.

  • 46E. Rouillé, B. Combemale, O. Barais, T. David, J.-M. Jézéquel.

    Bridging the Gap Between Software Process and Software Development, in: IDM, Lille, France, June 2011.

  • 47N. Sannier, B. Baudry.

    Défis pour la variabilité et la traçabilité des exigences en ingénierie système, in: INFORSID 2011, Lille, France, May 2011.


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

References in notes
  • 49A. Beugnard, J.-M. Jézéquel, N. Plouzeau, D. Watkins.

    Making Components Contract Aware, in: IEEE Computer, July 1999, vol. 13, no 7.
  • 50G. Booch.

    Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 2nd, Benjamin Cummings, 1994.
  • 51E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, J. Vlissides.

    Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison Wesley, 1995.
  • 52M. Jackson.

    System Development, Prentice-Hall International, Series in Computer Science, 1985.
  • 53J.-M. Jézéquel, B. Meyer.

    Design by Contract: The Lessons of Ariane, in: Computer, January 1997, vol. 30, no 1, p. 129–130.
  • 54B. Meyer.

    Reusability: The Case for Object-Oriented Design, in: IEEE SOFTWARE, March 1987, no 3, p. 50–64.
  • 55B. Meyer.

    Applying "Design by Contract", in: IEEE Computer (Special Issue on Inheritance & Classification), October 1992, vol. 25, no 10, p. 40–52.
  • 56A. Rashid, J. Araújo.

    Modularisation and composition of aspectual requirements, in: Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Aspect-oriented software development, 2003, p. 11–20.
  • 57G. Sunyé, D. Pollet, Y. Le Traon, J.-M. Jézéquel.

    Refactoring UML Models, in: Proceedings of UML 2001, LNCS, Springer Verlag, 2001, vol. 2185, p. 134–148.
  • 58C. Szyperski.

    Component Software: Beyond Object-Oriented Programming, ACM Press and Addison-Wesley, New York, N.Y., 1998.
  • 59J. Warmer, A. Kleppe.

    The Object Constraint Language, Addison-Wesley, 1998.