Section: Members

Research Scientist

Benoit Baudry [Junior Researcher Inria, HdR]

Faculty Members

Jean-Marc Jézéquel [Team Leader, Professor Université de Rennes 1, HdR]

Olivier Barais [Associate Professor Université de Rennes 1]

Arnaurd Blouin [INRIA grant until July 2011, Associate Professor INSA Rennes, from September 2010]

Johann Bourcier [Associate Professor Université de Rennes 1]

Benoit Combemale [Associate Professor Université de Rennes 1]

Naouel Moha [Associate Professor Université de Rennes 1]

Noël Plouzeau [Associate Professor Université de Rennes 1]

Gerson Sunyé [Associate Professor Université de Nantes, INRIA Delegation]

Technical Staff

Didier Vojtisek [Research engineer Inria]

Jean-Emile Dartois [INRIA ADT Daum, from October 2011]

Claire Diehl-Watrin [Inria (project ENTIMID), until July 2011]

Jacques Falcou [Inria (project CHESS)]

Marie Gouyette [Inria (project MOVIDA)]

An Phung-Khac [INRIA (project CESAR), from mid-October 2011]

Hajanirina Johary Rambelontsalama [Inria IJD, until April 2011]

PhD Students

Olivier-Nathanael Ben David [INRIA grant]

Juan-Jose Cadavid Gomez [INRIA grant]

Mickael Clavreul [INRIA grant]

Stephen Creff [CIFRE grant (with THALES)]

Erwan Daubert [INRIA grant]

Maha Driss [INRIA grant, Co-tutelle with U. Tunis]

Joao Bosco Ferreira-Filho [Université de Rennes 1 (project RELATE), from December 2011]

François Fouquet [MESR grant]

Clément Guy [MESR grant]

Aymerick Hervieu [CIFRE grant (with KEREVAL)]

Paul Istoan [Co-tutelle with U. Luxembourg]

Tam Le Nhan [Vietnam Grant]

Jonathan Marchand [ENS Cachan, from October 2011]

Antonio Mattos [Université de Rennes 1 (project RELATE), from December 2011]

Grégory Nain [INRIA grant]

Viet-Hoa Nguyen [INRIA Grant]

Suresh Pillay [Université de Rennes 1 (project RELATE), from October 2011]

Julien Richard-Foy [CIFRE grant (with Zenexity), from October 2011]

Emmanuelle Rouillé [CIFRE Grant (with SODIFRANCE)]

Nicolas Sannier [CIFRE Grant (with EDF)]

Hamza Samih [CIFRE Grant (with All4TECH), from October 2011]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Cédric Bouhours [INRIA (project OPEES), engineer until August 2011]

Xavier Dolques [INRIA (project OPEES), engineer]

Administrative Assistant

Loic Lesage [tr Inria]