Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry


Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 1A. Froehly.

    Couplage d'un schéma aux résidus distribués à l'analyse isogéométrique : méthode numérique et outils de génération et adaptation de maillage, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, September 2012.

  • 2F. Vilar.

    Utilisation des méthodes Galerkin discontinues pour la résolution de l'hydrodynamique Lagrangienne bi-dimensionnelle, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, November 2012.


Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 3R. Abgrall, P. M. Congedo.

    A semi-intrusive deterministic approach to uncertainty quantification in non-linear fluid flow problems, in: Journal of Computational Physics, October 2012.

  • 4H. Beaugendre, S. Huberson, I. Mortazavi.

    Coupling particle sets of contours and streamline methods for solving convection problems, in: Applied Mathematics Letters, January 2012, vol. 25, p. 11-19. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.aml.2011.06.031 ]

  • 5M. Bergot, M. Durufle.

    Approximation of H(div) with High-Order Optimal Finite Elements for Pyramids, Prisms and Hexahedra, in: Communications in Computational Physics, 2012, submitted.

  • 6R. Chassagne, P. Lecroart, H. Beaugendre, S. Capo, J.-P. Parisot, P. Anschutz.

    Silicic acid flux to the ocean from tidal permeable sediments: A modeling study, in: Computers & Geosciences, February 2012, vol. 43, p. 52-62. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cageo.2012.02.014 ]

  • 7P. Cinnella, P. M. Congedo.

    Convergence behaviours of Genetic Algorithms for Aerodynamic Optimisation Problems, in: International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, September 2012.

  • 8P. M. Congedo, G. Balarac, C. Duprat, C. Corre.

    Numerical prediction of turbulent flows using RANS and LES with uncertain inflow conditions, in: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, September 2012, vol. Accepted for publication.

  • 9P. M. Congedo, P. Colonna, C. Corre, J. Witteveen, G. Iaccarino.

    Backward uncertainty propagation method in flow problems : application to the prediction of rarefaction shock waves, in: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, February 2012, vol. 213-216, p. 314-326. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cma.2011.12.009 ]

  • 10D. De Santis, G. Geraci, A. Guardone.

    Finite Volume and Finite Element Schemes for the Euler Equation in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates, in: Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, December 2012. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cam.2012.02.006 ]

  • 11H. Kumar, S. Mishra.

    Entropy Stable Numerical Schemes for Two-Fluid Plasma Equations, in: Journal of Scientific Computing, 2012, vol. 52, no 2, p. 401-425.

  • 12F. Morency, H. Beaugendre, F. Gallizio.

    Aerodynamic force evaluation for ice shedding phenomenon using vortex in cell scheme, penalisation and level set approaches, in: International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2012, vol. 26, no 9-10, p. 435-450. [ DOI : 10.1080/10618562.2012.739683 ]

  • 13M. G. Rodio, G. De Giorgi Maria, A. Ficarella.

    Influence of convective heat transfer modeling on the estimation of thermal effects in cryogenic cavitating flows, in: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, September 2012. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2012.06.060 ]

  • 14C. Wervaecke, H. Beaugendre, B. Nkonga.

    A fully coupled RANS Spalart-Allmaras SUPG formulation for turbulent compressible flows on stretched-unstructured grids, in: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, April 2012, vol. 233-236, p. 109-122. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cma.2012.04.003 ]


Invited Conferences

  • 15R. Abgrall, P. M. Congedo, G. Geraci.

    Semi-intrusive Multi-Resolution schemes for UQ: Application to unsteady discontinuous flows, in: SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Raleigh, United States, April 2012.

  • 16P. M. Congedo.

    Innovative Contributions and work in progress for quantifying uncertainties in fluid flow problems, in: Workshop BIS 2012 (Berkeley - Inria - Stanford 2012), Paris, France, May 2012.

  • 17P. M. Congedo.

    Introduction to Uncertainty Quantification, in: Uncertainty Quantification For Aerospace Applications, von Karman Institute, Belgium, October 2012.

  • 18P. M. Congedo.

    New perspectives for robust design optimization, in: Complex modeling, Convergence, and Uncertainty Quantification, Uppsala, Sweden, Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Uppsala University, June 2012.

  • 19P. M. Congedo.

    Quantification des incertitudes en mécanique des fluides, in: Première rencontre GAMNI-MAIRCI : Précision et incertitudes, Paris, France, February 2012.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 20R. Abgrall, D. De Santis, M. Ricchiuto.

    Construction of a high order Residual Distribution scheme for complex viscous flows, in: Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD7), Big Island, Hawaii,, United States, July 2012.

  • 21R. Abgrall, M. G. Rodio, P. M. Congedo.

    Efficient algorithm for viscous two-phase flows with real gas effects, in: ICCFD7 - International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Island of Hawaii, United States, June 2012.

  • 22R. Abgrall, M. G. Rodio, P. M. Congedo.

    Innovative formulation for the numerical simulation of uncertain shock waves in dispersed two-phase flows, in: 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), Vienna, Austria, September 2012.

  • 23H. Beaugendre, S. Huberson, I. Mortazavi.

    A new particle set of contours method for advection-diffusion problems applied to the modelling of waste disposal, in: ASME 2012 Fluids Engineering, FEDSM 2012, Puerto Rico, United States, 2012, vol. FEDSM2012-72359.

  • 24P. M. Congedo, C. Corre, R. Abgrall.

    Robust performance assessment for an oscillating airfoil using a Time-Spectral Method and a non-intrusive uncertainty propagation method, in: ICCFD7 - International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Island of Hawaii, United States, June 2012.

  • 25P. M. Congedo, J. Witteveen, G. Iaccarino.

    A simplex-simplex approach for mixed aleatory-epistemic uncertainty quantification, in: 14th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, April 2012.

  • 26G. Couégnat, G. L. Vignoles, V. Drean, C. Mulat, W. Ros, G. Perrot, T. Haurat, J. El-Yagoubi, M. Eric, M. Ricchiuto, C. Germain, M. Cataldi.

    Virtual material approach to self-healing CMCs, in: European Conference for Aerospace Sciences, Saint Petersurg, Russian Federation, July 2012.

  • 27M. Ricchiuto, P. M. Congedo, G. Geraci, R. Abgrall.

    Uncertainty propagation in shallow water long wave runup simulations, in: 1st International Conference on Frontiers in Computational Physics: Modeling the Earth System, Boulder, United States, December 2012.

  • 28R. Yapalparvi, H. Beaugendre, F. Morency.

    Calculation of Ice Chunk Trajectory Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, in: 4th AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference, Louisiana, United States, June 2012, vol. AIAA 2012-2676.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 29C. Lachat, F. Pellegrini, C. Dobrzynski.

    PaMPA: Parallel Mesh Partitioning and Adaptation, in: 21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD21), Rennes, France, Inria Rennes-Bretagne-Atlantique, June 2012.

  • 30F. Pellegrini, S. Canevet.

    Le droit du numérique : une histoire à préserver, in: Vers un Musée de l'Informatique et de la Société Numérique en France ?, Paris, France, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (editor), Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, November 2012, p. 61-76.


Internal Reports

  • 31R. Abgrall, P. M. Congedo, G. Geraci.

    A One-Time Truncate and Encode Multiresolution Stochastic Framework, Inria, May 2012, no RR-7967.

  • 32R. Abgrall, P. M. Congedo, G. Geraci.

    A One-Time Truncate and Encode Multiresolution Stochastic Framework, Inria, May 2012, no RR-7976, 66 p.

  • 33R. Abgrall, P. M. Congedo, G. Geraci.

    Numerical investigation on the Total Sensitivity Index influence in the solution of stochastic partial differential equations, Inria, March 2012, no RR-7911, 19 p.

  • 34R. Abgrall, P. M. Congedo, G. Geraci.

    Toward a Unified Multiresolution Scheme in the Combined Physical/Stochastic Space for Stochastic Differential Equations, Inria, June 2012, no RR-7996.

  • 35R. Abgrall, P. M. Congedo, G. Geraci, G. Iaccarino.

    Decomposition of high-order statistics, Inria, December 2012, no RR-8193.

  • 36R. Abgrall, P. M. Congedo, G. Geraci, G. Iaccarino.

    Non-polynomial expansion for stochastic problems with non-classical pdfs, Inria, December 2012, no RR-8191.

  • 37R. Abgrall, D. De Santis, M. Ricchiuto.

    High order preserving residual distribution schemes for advection-diffusion scalar problems on arbitrary grids, Inria, November 2012, no RR-8157, 46 p.

  • 38R. Abgrall, C. Dobrzynski, A. Froehly.

    A method for computing curved 2D and 3D meshes via the linear elasticity analogy: preliminary results, Inria, September 2012, no RR-8061, 15 p.

  • 39R. Abgrall, A. Krust.

    An adaptive enrichment algorithm for advection-dominated problems., Inria, January 2012, no RR-7866, 24 p.

  • 40R. Abgrall, M. G. Rodio.

    Asymptotic Expansion of a Multiscale Numerical Scheme for Compressible Viscous Multiphase Flows, Inria, April 2012, no RR-7920.

  • 41R. Abgrall, M. G. Rodio, P. M. Congedo.

    Towards an efficient algorithm for the simulation of viscous two-phase flows with real gas effects, Inria, December 2012, no RR-8173.

  • 42C. Astrid, P. Ramet.

    Memory Optimization to Build a Schur Complement in an Hybrid Solver, Inria, 2012, no RR-7971, 11 p.

  • 43J. Chabassier, M. Durufle.

    Physical parameters for piano modeling, Inria, April 2012, no RT-0425, 24 p.

  • 44C. Dobrzynski.

    MMG3D: User Guide, Inria, March 2012, no RT-0422.

  • 45X. Lacoste, P. Ramet, M. Faverge, I. Yamazaki, J. Dongarra.

    Sparse direct solvers with accelerators over DAG runtimes, Inria, 2012, no RR-7972, 11 p.

  • 46F. Pellegrini, S. Canevet.

    Le droit du numérique : une histoire à préserver, Inria, October 2012, no RR-8100, 14 p.

  • 47M. Pierre-Henri, R. Abgrall, J. Breil, R. Loubère, B. Rebourcet.

    A nominally second-order cell-centered Lagrangian scheme for simulating elastic-plastic flows on two-dimensional unstructured grids, Inria, May 2012, no RR-7975, 76 p.

  • 48M. G. Rodio, P. M. Congedo.

    Quantifying uncertainties in a Venturi multiphase configuration, Inria, December 2012, no RR-8180.

  • 49D. Sarmany, M. Hubbard, M. Ricchiuto.

    Unconditionally stable space-time discontinuous residual distribution for shallow-water flows, Inria, 2012, no RR-7958.

References in notes
  • 50K. Schloegel, G. Karypis, V. Kumar.

    Dynamic repartitioning of adaptively refined meshes, in: Supercomputing '98: Proceedings of the 1998 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing (CDROM), IEEE, 1998, p. 1–8.
  • 51C. Thierry, H. Digonnet, R. Ducloux.

    Parallel meshing and remeshing, in: Appl. Math. Modelling, 2000, vol. 25, p. 153-175.
  • 52C. Walshaw, M. Cross, M. G. Everett.

    Parallel Dynamic Graph Partitioning for Adaptive Unstructured Meshes, in: J. Parallel and Distributed Computing, 1997, vol. 47, p. 102–108.