Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Creation of the Team: January 01, 2009

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Pietro Marco Congedo [Research Associate]

Mario Ricchiuto [Research Associate, HdR]

Faculty Members

Rémi Abgrall [Team Leader, Inria, Research Director (on secondment), Professor, IPB, HdR]

Cécile Dobrzynski [Associate Professor, IPB]

Marc Duruflé [Associate Professor, IPB, until Sep. 2012]

François Pellegrini [Professor, University Bordeaux 1, HdR]

Pierre Ramet [Associate Professor, University Bordeaux 1, until Sep. 2012]

Héloïse Beaugendre [Associate Professor, IPB, since July 2011]

External Collaborators

Pierre-Henri Maire [CEA CESTA]

Luc Mieussens [Professor, IPB]


Sébastien Fourestier [Inria, funding from PETALh , since Oct. 2012]

Cédric Lachat [Inria, funding from ADT El Gaucho (AE HPCCSE ), since Oct. 2012]

Dragan Amenga [funding from ANR Grant RealFluids ]

François Rue [from SED]

Julien Castelneau [Gamma3]

PhD Students

Guillaume Baurin [SNECMA, CIFRE, since Oct. 2008, until Feb. 2012]

Dante De Santis [Inria, funding from IDHIOM, since Oct. 2010]

Damien Genêt [Inria, funding from IDHIOM, since Oct. 2010]

Gianluca Geraci [Inria, funding from ADDECCO , since Oct. 2010]

Arnaud Krust [Inria, funding from ADDECCO , since Oct. 2009]

Algiane Froehly [Inria, funding from ADDECCO , since Feb. 2009, then FUI Rodin]

Xavier Lacoste [Inria, funding from ANEMOS , since Oct. 2011]

Astrid Casadei [MRE grant, from Sep. 2011 to Sep. 2012, then EPI HiePACS ]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Harish Kumar [Inria, funding from ADDECCO until November 30th, 2012]

Julie Tryoen [funding from ANR grant UFO ]

Juliette Chabassier [Magique3D]

Maria-Giovanna Rodio

Visiting Scientists

Dario Isola [Politechnico de Milano]

Alexander Kurganov [Tulane, USA]

Adam Larat [École Centrale de Paris]

Mathew Hubbart [Leeds University]

Hiroaki Nishikawa [NIA, USA]

Administrative Assistant

Nicolas Jahier [Secretary Inria]