Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master : K. Daoudi was invited by the Moroccan CNRST within the FINCOME'2012 program ( ) to give a 20 hours lecture on speech processing at the Master2 InfoTelecom of the faculty of sciences, Rabat ( ).
PhD : R. Jourani, title: reconnaissance automatique du locuteur par GMM à grande marge, co-supervised between University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France) and Rabat-Agdal University (Morroco), defended September 6th, 2012, supervisors: K. Daoudi and R. André-Obrecht.
PhD in progress : V. Khanagha, title: novel multiscale methods for nonlinear speech analysis using the Microcanonical Multiscale Formalism, PhD started in 2009, supervisors: H. Yahia and K. Daoudi, to de defended on January 16th, 2013.
PhD in progress : S. Maji, title: méthodes multiéchelles en traitement du signal pour l'optique adaptative, PhD started in 2010, supervisor: H. Yahia.
PhD in progress : H. Badri , title: sparse representation and gradient manipulation: application to multidimensional signals, natural and synthetic, PhD started in 2012, supervisors: H. Yahia, D. Aboutajdine.
PhD in progress : A. Tamim , title: image procesing for the segmentation and temporal evolution of moroccan upwelling, PhD started in 2010, supervisors: K. Daoudi, D. Aboutajdine, H. Yahia.
H. Yahia was a member of Mr. Binbin Xu's PhD jury. The PhD was defended on July 11th, 2012, at Université de Bourgogne. Title: étude de la dynamique des ondes spirales à l'échelle cellulaire par modèles expérimental et numérique. The jury was composed of: Professor O. Meste, Dr. H. Yahia, Professors V. Kazantzev, M. Nadi, J.-M. Bilbault, S. Binczak, Dr. G. Laurent and Dr. S. Jaquir.
H. Yahia and K. Daoudi were members of H. Badri's master internship jury. The defence took place on October, 13th, 2012, at Rabat University, Morroco.