Section: Dissemination


  • H. Yahia was an invited speaker at the EGU (European Geophysical Association) General Assembly, held in Vienna, Austria, from April 22th to April 27th, 2012. Session NP3.1 (“Nonlinear, scaling and Complex Physical and Biogeophysical Processes in the Atmosphere and Ocean”) [14] .

  • K. Daoudi was invited from April 11th to April 22th, 2012, by Concordia University (Montreal, Canada), for a visit to Concordia and Sherbrooke universities. K. Daoudi has given a talk at Concordia on April 16th.

  • K. Daoudi was invited from September 13th to September 15th, 2012, by the Speech Group at Microsoft Research (Redmond, USA) and has given a talk on September 14th on the subject of nonlinear signal processing for speech.

  • H. Yahia participated to the CNU session held in Saint Malo, France, on January, 23th, 24th, 2012.

  • H. Yahia was invited by F. Schmidt, head of the LOG (Laboratoire d'Océanologie et de Géosciences, UMR CNRS 8187 and Université du Littoral), to make a lecture on the subject: structure multiéchelle des signaux complexes et circulation océanique, on June, 29th, 2012.