Maverick is both an Inria project-team and a team of the LJK (UMR 5224), a joint research lab of CNRS, Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble-I (UJF), Université Pierre Mendès France Grenoble II (UPMF) and Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG).
Creation of the Team: January 01, 2012Section: Members
Research Scientists
Nicolas Holzschuch [DR2, Inria, Team Leader, HdR]Jean-Dominique Gascuel [CR1, CNRS]
Fabrice Neyret [DR2, CNRS, HdR]
Cyril Soler [CR1, Inria]
Faculty Members
Georges-Pierre Bonneau [Professeur, UJF, HdR]Joëlle Thollot [Professeur, G-INP, HdR]
Romain Vergne [Maître de conférence, UJF, from Sept. 2012]
Charles Hansen [Visiting Professor, University of Utah, from Nov. 2011]
Pascal Guehl [Ingénieur, RTIGE, from Oct. 2011]Henri Payno [Ingénieur, until November 2012]
François Jourdes [Ingénieur, ROMMA, from Sept. 2011, until November 2012]
PhD Students
Laurent Belcour [MESR (PhD defended October 2012)]Alexandre Coninx [CIFRE EDF R&D, PhD defended May 2012]
Alexandre Derouet-Jourdan [joint supervision with Florence Bertails]
Martin Guay [ANR RTIGE, from September 2011, until October 2012]
Eric Heitz [MESR]
Nassim Jibai [ADR Region, LIMA project, PhD defended June 2012]
Mahdi Bagher [GARDEN (PhD defended November 2012)]
Manuel Vennier [ANR SimOne]
Hugo Loi [ANR Mapstyle from October 2012]
Benoit Zupancic [ANR ALTA, from October 2012]
Léo Allemand-Giorgis [MESR from October 2012]