Fabrice Neyret made the following diffusions:
Articles about diffusion of critical thinking and scientific
method (Observatoire Zététique, newsletter + website):
"Analysis of a dr Labré's conference about 'alternative medicine':
wrong obviousness and hidden contradictions."
"Voices in my home ! Spirits or pareidolia ?"
"Astrology lived from inside."
Actions for high-school students:
MobiNet, free graphical programmable simulation software ( )
MobiNet class sessions: "maths & phys with meaning / how
videogames and simulations are made ?". 8 high-school classes per year
through INPG "engineering weeks" with regional funding.
MobiNet class sessions: through MathC2+regional operation for high
schools hosted by Inria.
Public debates and conferences:
Jury + debate at Science-Po Grenoble about "virtuality and democracy"
3h in the Master transversal module about reseacher responsability
(140 master & PhD students from all domains of Biology−Agronomy−Health
at Rennes University )
Large public press and books:
participation to the paper "History of Computer Graphics" in La
"Sciences of 3D", book in preparation at Belin-PLS ed.