Creation of the Project-Team: 2007 July 01

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Mohammad Ghavamzadeh [Inria, Researcher, on leave from Inria since October 2013, working in Adobe Research, San Jose, CA]

Alessandro Lazaric [Inria, Researcher]

Rémi Munos [Inria, Senior Researcher, full secondment with MSR (Boston) since July 2013 (until June 2014), HdR]

Daniil Ryabko [Inria, Researcher, HdR]

Michal Valko [Inria, Researcher]

Faculty Members

Philippe Preux [Team leader, Université Lille 3, Professor, HdR]

Pierre Chainais [Ecole Centrale Lille, Associate Professor, HdR]

Rémi Coulom [Université Lille 3, Associate Professor]

Emmanuel Duflos [Ecole Centrale Lille, Professor, HdR]

Romaric Gaudel [Université Lille 3, Associate Professor]

Jérémie Mary [Université Lille 3, Associate Professor]

Philippe Vanheeghe [Ecole Centrale Lille, Professor, HdR]


Romain Laby [Inria, granted by Technologies Broadcasting System, since Mar 2013 until Nov 2013]

Eoin Thomas [Inria, until Oct 2013]

PhD Students

Boris Baldassari [Squoring Technologies]

Victor Gabillon [Université Lille 1]

Frédéric Guillou [Inria, granted by Inria and Région Nord Pas de Calais, since Oct 2013]

Adrien Hoarau [Inria, granted by STREP/Complacs]

Azadeh Khaleghi [Inria, until Oct 2013]

Tomáš Kocák [Inria, granted by Inria, since Oct 2013]

Vincenzo Musco [Université Lille 1, granted by Université Lille 1 and Université Lille 3, since Oct 2013, also member of Adam team-project]

Sami Naamane [Orange Labs, until May 2013]

Olivier Nicol [Université Lille 1]

Amir Sani [Inria, granted by Inria and Région Nord Pas de Calais]

Marta Soare [Inria, granted by Inria and Région Nord Pas de Calais]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Raphael Fonteneau [FNRS, until Aug 2013]

Nathaniel Korda [Inria, granted by STREP/Complacs, until Sep 2013]

Prashanth Lakshmanrao Anantha Padmanabha [Inria, granted by STREP/Complacs]

Gergely Neu [Inria, granted by ERCIM and Inria, since Sep 2013]

Thanh Hai Nguyen [Inria, from Jan 2013 to Oct 2013]

Balázs Szörényi [Inria, granted by STREP/Complacs]

External Collaborator

Olivier Pietquin [Université Lille 1, Professor, since Oct 2013, HdR]

Visiting Scientists

Gabriel Dulac Arnold [Université Pierre & Marie Curie, PhD student at LIP'6, from Mar 2013 to May 2013]

Gunnar Kedenburg [Berlin Institute of Technology, PhD student at idalab, from Jun 2013 to Nov 2013]

Administrative Assistant

Amélie Supervielle [Inria]