Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • PhD: Moussa Gaye, “Some problems of geometric analysis in almost-Riemannian geometry and of stability of switching systems", supervisors: Ugo Boscain, Yacine Chitour, Paolo Mason, defended in November 2014.

  • PhD in progress: Guiherme Mazanti, “Stabilité et taux de convergence pour les systèmes à excitation persistante", started in 1/9/2013, supervisors: Yacine Chitour, Mario Sigalotti.


  • Ugo Boscain was referee for the PhD thesis of Sylvain Arguillere, Paris 6, July 2014.

  • Ugo Boscain was member of the commission for the PhD defense of Laurent Sifre, Ecole Polytechnique, October 2014.

  • Mario Sigalotti was member of the commission for the PhD defense of Dolly Tatiana Manrique Espindola, Université de Lorraine, December 2014.

  • Ugo Boscain was member of the commission for the HDR of Gregoire Charlot, Universite de Grenoble, September 2014.

  • Mario Sigalotti was member of the commission for a MCF position at INPT ENSEEIHT, Toulouse.

  • Ugo Boscain was member of the jury for positions of CR at INSMI.