Creation of the Project-Team: 2004 December 06

Section: Members

Research Scientists

François Chaumette [Team leader, Inria, Senior Researcher, HdR, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Alexandre Krupa [Inria, Researcher, HdR, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Patrick Rives [Inria, Senior Researcher, HdR, Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée]

Paolo Robuffo Giordano [CNRS, Researcher, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Faculty Members

Marie Babel [Insa Rennes, Associate Professor, HdR, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Vincent Drevelle [Univ. Rennes 1, Associate Professor, from Sep 2014, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Eric Marchand [Univ. Rennes 1, Professor, HdR, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]


Fabien Spindler [Inria, Senior engineer, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Erwan Demairy [Inria, Senior engineer, until November 2014, Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée]

Giovanni Claudio [Inria, granted by ADT HumanoidVis, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

François Pasteau [SATT Ouest Valorisation, granted by HandiViz project, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Souriya Trinh [Inria, granted by Robocortex contract, from July 2014, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Aurélien Yol [Inria, granted by PEA DGA Decsa project, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

PhD Students

Manikandan Bakthavatchalam [Inria, Cordis grant, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Quentin Bateux [Univ. Rennes 1, MESR grant, from October 2014, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Suman Raj Bista [Inria, Brittany Council and Oseo Romeo 2 grants, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Nicolas Cazy [Inria, Oseo Romeo 2 grant, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Pierre Chatelain [Univ. Rennes 1, ENS Cachan Bretagne grant, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Jason Chevrie [Univ. Rennes I, ENS Cachan grant, from September 2014, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Le Cui [Univ. Rennes 1, ANR P2N Nanorobust grant, affiliated member located in DTC of EIT ICT Labs, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Bertrand Delabarre [Univ. Rennes 1, MESR grant, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Romain Drouilly [ECA Robotics, Cifre, Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée]

Lesley-Ann Duflot [Inria, granted by Brittany Council and Femto, from November 2014, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Tawsif Gokhool [Inria, Astrium grant, Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée]

Vishnu Karakkat Narayanan [Inria, PAL Cordis grant, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Aly Magassouba [Univ. Rennes 1, MESR grant, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Renato José Martins [Inria, granted by CNPq, Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée]

Noël Mériaux [Inria, granted by ANR Visioland, from October 2014, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Pedro Alfonso Patlan Rosales [Inria, granted by the Mexican government, from October 2014, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Lucas Royer [Inst. de Recherche Technologique B-COM, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Fabrizio Schiano [Inria, Cordis grant, from October 2014, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Riccardo Spica [Univ. Rennes 1, MESR grant, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Eduardo Fernandez Moral [Inria, Inria grant, from December 2014, Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée]

Panagiotis Papadakis [Inria, granted by ADT P2N, until November 2014, Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée]

Visiting Scientists

Ivan Markovic [Post-Doc, granted by FP7 Regpot Across project from April 2014 until July 2014, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Hideaki Uchiyama [Associate Professor, granted by Kiushu University, in December 2014, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Administrative Assistants

Céline Gharsalli [CNRS, until October 2014, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Hélène de La Ruée [Irisa, from October 2014, Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique]

Christine Riehl [Inria, Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée]