Section: Dissemination


Popularization, Invited Talks

  • We participated in the VERVE workshop on virtual reality technologies for ageing, which took place at the Institut Claude Pompidou on Nov. 6th. Over 200 participants (patients, families and caregivers) visited during this day. George Drettakis gave a short interview on our research for local television.

  • Adrien Bousseau presented his work on sketch-based modeling at Lycée de Vence during the Fête de la science 2014. He also participated to a “cafe science” during the Semaine du Cerveau event in Marseille.

  • Adrien Bousseau gave an invited talk at the Amadeus Global Technical Forum, December 2014.

  • Adrien Bousseau and George Drettalis gave invited talks at UC Berkeley in the context of the associate team CRISP.


We gave demos to companies visiting the site, often including presentations in the immersive space: Visteon, Optis. We also gave demos and presentations at the Mediterranean Days event, to university and high school students (“stages 3eme"), as well as representatives from the Sustainable Design School in Nice.