Section: Dissemination


The team has participated to numerous events in 2015 :

  • "Futur en Seine 2015" (Paris, 05/15) : booth and demo of the PREVIZ project results.

  • "Festival de la Science 2015" (Rennes, 10/15) : booth and demos of the team.

  • "Journées Science et Musique 2015" (Rennes, 11/15) : co-organization of this event, and presentation of several demos.

  • Technoférence du Pôle Images et Réseaux (Rennes, 02/15) : presentation from Anatole Lécuyer on VR.

The results of the team were also disseminated in several TV appearances and media coverages :

  • « Télématin », France2 channel (02/15) : presentation of the Mind-Mirror system.

  • « On est pas que des cobayes », France 3 channel (04/15) : presentation and testings of the FlyVIZ system.

  • « E=M6 », M6 channel (05/15) : presentation and testing of the Mind-Mirror system.

  • « Thalassa », France3 channel (05/15) : presentation of several cultural heritage applications of Hybrid.

  • « Future Mag », Arte channel (12/15) : presentation of several cultural heritage applications of Hybrid.