Publications of the year
Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses
1H. C. Henninger.
Study of the solutions of low-thrust orbital transfers in the two and three body problem, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, October 2015.
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
2B. Bonnard, M. Claeys, O. Cots, P. Martinon.
Geometric and numerical methods in the contrast imaging problem in nuclear magnetic resonance, in: Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, February 2015, vol. 135, no 1, pp. 5-45. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10440-014-9947-3 ] -
3B. Bonnard, T. Combot, L. Jassionnesse.
Integrability methods in the time minimal coherence transfer for Ising chains of three spins, in: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A (DCDS-A), September 2015, vol. 35, no 9, pp. 4095-4114, 20 pages. [ DOI : 10.3934/dcds.2015.35.4095 ] -
4B. Bonnard, H. Henninger, J. Nemcova, J.-B. Pomet.
Time Versus Energy in the Averaged Optimal Coplanar Kepler Transfer towards Circular Orbits, in: Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, February 2015, vol. 135, no 2, pp. 47-80. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10440-014-9948-2 ] -
5J.-B. Caillau, Z. Chen, Y. Chitour.
L 1 -minimization for mechanical systems, in: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2016. -
6J.-B. Caillau, L. Grüne, M. D. R. De Pinho, E. Trélat, H. Zidani.
Special issue on New trends in optimal control, in: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, September 2015, vol. 35, no 9. -
7G. Contreras, A. Figalli, L. Rifford.
Generic hyperbolicity of Aubry sets on surfaces, in: Inventiones Mathematicae, 2015, vol. 200, no 1. -
8A. Figalli, T. Gallouët, L. Rifford.
On the convexity of injectivity domains on nonfocal manifolds, in: SIAM J. Math. Anal., 2015, vol. 47, no 2, pp. 969–1000. -
9A. Figalli, L. Rifford.
Closing Aubry sets I, in: Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2015, vol. 68, no 2. -
10A. Figalli, L. Rifford.
Closing Aubry sets II, in: Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2015, vol. 68, no 3.
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
11B. Bonnard, M. Chyba, J. Rouot.
Working Examples In Geometric Optimal Control, Springer, November 2015. -
12B. Bonnard, M. Chyba.
Singular trajectories in optimal control, in: Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, J. Baillieul, T. Samad (editors), Springer, February 2015. -
13B. Bonnard, H. Henninger, J. Rouot.
Lunar perturbation of the metric associated to the averaged orbital transfer, in: Analysis and geometry in control theory and its applications, 2015. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-06917-3_3 ] -
14J.-B. Caillau, M. D. R. De Pinho, L. Grüne, E. Trélat, H. Zidani.
New Trends for Optimal Control and Sensitivity Analysis, Discrete ad Continous Dynamical Systems - Serie A, AIMS, 2015, vol. 35, no 9. [ DOI : 10.3934/dcds.2015.35.9i ] -
15J.-B. Caillau, A. Farrés.
On local optima in minimum time control of the restricted three-body problem, Springer, April 2016, vol. Mathematics for Industry. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-27464-5 ] -
16T. Combot, D. J. Scheeres, A. Farrés, À. Jorba, T. Haberkorn, R. Jedicke, M. Chyba, R. Epenoy, G. Patterson, G. Picot, J.-B. Caillau.
M. C. Bernard Bonnard (editor), Celestial and Space Mechanics, Celestial and Space Mechanics, Springer, December 2015, 316 p.
Other Publications
17P. Bettiol, B. Bonnard, L. Giraldi, P. Martinon, J. Rouot.
The Purcell Three-link swimmer: some geometric and numerical aspects related to periodic optimal controls, October 2015, working paper or preprint. -
18B. Bonnard, M. Chyba, J. Rouot, D. Takagi, R. Zou.
Optimal Strokes : a Geometric and Numerical Study of the Copepod Swimmer, January 2016, working paper or preprint. -
19L. Giraldi, J.-B. Pomet.
Local controllability of the two-link magneto-elastic swimmer, April 2015, working paper or preprint.
20A. Agrachev, P. W. Y. Lee.
Optimal transportation under nonholonomic constraints, in: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 2009, vol. 361, no 11, pp. 6019–6047. -
21A. Agrachev, P. W. Y. Lee.
Generalized Ricci Curvature Bounds for Three Dimensional Contact Subriemannian manifold, arXiv, 2011, no arXiv:0903.2550 [math.DG], 3rd version. -
22A. Agrachev, Y. L. Sachkov.
Control theory from the geometric viewpoint, Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004, vol. 87, xiv+412 p, Control Theory and Optimization, II. -
23L. Ambrosio, S. Rigot.
Optimal mass transportation in the Heisenberg group, in: J. Funct. Anal., 2004, vol. 208, no 2, pp. 261–301. -
24V. I. Arnold.
Mathematical methods of classical mechanics, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 2nd, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1989, vol. 60, xvi+508 p, Translated from the Russian by K. Vogtmann and A. Weinstein. -
25Z. Artstein.
Stabilization with relaxed control, in: Nonlinear Analysis TMA, November 1983, vol. 7, no 11, pp. 1163-1173. -
26A. Bombrun, J.-B. Pomet.
The averaged control system of fast oscillating control systems, in: SIAM J. Control Optim., 2013, vol. 51, no 3, pp. 2280-2305. [ DOI : 10.1137/11085791X ] -
27B. Bonnard, J.-B. Caillau.
Riemannian metric of the averaged energy minimization problem in orbital transfer with low thrust, in: Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire, 2007, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 395–411. -
28B. Bonnard, J.-B. Caillau.
Geodesic flow of the averaged controlled Kepler equation, in: Forum Mathematicum, September 2009, vol. 21, no 5, pp. 797–814. -
29B. Bonnard, M. Chyba.
Singular trajectories and their role in control theory, Mathématiques & Applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003, vol. 40, xvi+357 p. -
30B. Bonnard, O. Cots, S. J. Glaser, M. Lapert, D. Sugny, Y. Zhang.
Geometric Optimal Control of the Contrast Imaging Problem in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, in: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, August 2012, vol. 57, no 8, pp. 1957-1969. [ DOI : 10.1109/TAC.2012.2195859 ] -
31B. Bonnard, N. Shcherbakova, D. Sugny.
The smooth continuation method in optimal control with an application to quantum systems, in: ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., 2011, vol. 17, no 1, pp. 267–292. -
32B. Bonnard, D. Sugny.
Time-minimal control of dissipative two-level quantum systems: the integrable case, in: SIAM J. Control Optim., 2009, vol. 48, no 3, pp. 1289–1308. -
33B. Bonnard, D. Sugny.
Optimal control with applications in space and quantum dynamics, vol. 5 of AIMS Series on Applied Mathematics, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Springfield, MO, 2012, xvi+283 p. -
34U. Boscain, B. Piccoli.
Optimal syntheses for control systems on 2-D manifolds, Mathématiques & Applications (Berlin) [Mathematics & Applications], Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004, vol. 43, xiv+261 p. -
35Y. Brenier.
Polar factorization and monotone rearrangement of vector-valued functions, in: Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 1991, vol. 44, no 4, pp. 375–417. -
36F. Chaplais.
Averaging and deterministic optimal control, in: SIAM J. Control Optim., 1987, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 767–780. -
37J. C. Doyle, B. A. Francis, A. R. Tannenbaum.
Feedback control theory, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1992, xii+227 p. -
38A. Figalli, L. Rifford.
Mass transportation on sub-Riemannian manifolds, in: Geom. Funct. Anal., 2010, vol. 20, no 1, pp. 124–159. -
39M. Fliess, J. Lévine, P. Martin, P. Rouchon.
Flatness and Defect of Nonlinear Systems: Introductory Theory and Examples, in: Internat. J. Control, 1995, vol. 61, no 6, pp. 1327-1361. -
40S. Geffroy.
Généralisation des techniques de moyennation en contrôle optimal - Application aux problèmes de rendez-vous orbitaux en poussée faible, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, October 1997. -
41A. Isidori.
Nonlinear Control Systems, Comm. in Control Engineering, 3rd, Springer-Verlag, 1995. -
42L. Jassionnesse.
Optimal control and Clairaut-Liouville metrics with applications, Université de Bourgogne, November 2014. -
43N. Juillet.
Geometric inequalities and generalized Ricci bounds in the Heisenberg group, in: Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2009, vol. 13, pp. 2347–2373. -
44V. Jurdjevic.
Non-Euclidean elastica, in: Amer. J. Math., 1995, vol. 117, no 1, pp. 93–124. -
45T. Kailath.
Linear systems, Information and System Sciences, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1980. -
46L. V. Kantorovich.
On a problem of Monge, in: Uspekhi mat. Nauka, 1948, vol. 3, pp. 225–226, English translation in J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.) 133 (2006), 1383–1383. -
47W. Klingenberg.
Lectures on closed geodesics, Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1978, vol. 230, x+227 p. -
48W. Klingenberg, F. Takens.
Generic properties of geodesic flows, in: Math. Ann., 1972, vol. 197, pp. 323–334. -
49E. B. Lee, L. Markus.
Foundations of optimal control theory, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1967. -
50J. Lott, C. Villani.
Ricci curvature for metric-measure spaces via optimal transport, in: Ann. of Math. (2), 2009, vol. 169, no 3, pp. 903–991. -
51P. Martin, R. M. Murray, P. Rouchon.
Flat systems, in: Mathematical control theory, Part 1, 2 (Trieste, 2001), ICTP Lect. Notes, VIII, Abdus Salam Int. Cent. Theoret. Phys., Trieste, 2002, pp. 705–768. -
52R. J. McCann.
Polar factorization of maps on Riemannian manifolds, in: Geom. Funct. Anal., 2001, vol. 11, no 3, pp. 589–608. -
53G. Monge.
Mémoire sur la théorie des déblais et des remblais, in: Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, 1781, pp. 666-704. -
54J.-M. Morel, F. Santambrogio.
Comparison of distances between measures, in: Appl. Math. Lett., 2007, vol. 20, no 4, pp. 427–432. -
55Q. Mérigot.
Détection de structure géométrique dans les nuages de points, Univ. de Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2009. -
56L. S. Pontryagin, V. G. Boltjanskiĭ, R. V. Gamkrelidze, E. Mitchenko.
Théorie mathématique des processus optimaux, Editions MIR, Moscou, 1974. -
57J. A. Sanders, F. Verhulst.
Averaging Methods in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Springer-Verlag, 1985, vol. 56. -
58K.-T. Sturm.
On the geometry of metric measure spaces. I, in: Acta Math., 2006, vol. 196, no 1, pp. 65–131. -
59K.-T. Sturm.
On the geometry of metric measure spaces. II, in: Acta Math., 2006, vol. 196, no 1, pp. 133–177.