Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
From Cagire to ... Cagire !
Last April 2016, after near five years of existence and a 1-year preparation/evaluation process of the new project, the common team Cagire (Computational Approximation with discontinuous GalerkIn methods and compaRison with Experiments) died and was reborn as the common project team Cagire (Computational AGility for internal flows sImulations and compaRisons with Experiments) with the much broader scope presented above.
A first step towards the dissemination of the AeroSol library
A deposit procedure of the AeroSol library (around 78000 lines of C++) with APP ( has been finalized in 2016. This will protect the library authors' rights and will open the possibility of disseminating the library in a sound way.
Launching of a long-term collaboration with a new industrial partner, PSA
In January 2016, we have been contacted by the R & D department of the PSA Group (Peugeot Citroën Automobile SA) in order to elaborate a long-term, 10-year project on the modelling and simulation of the turbulent flow in the under-hood space of road vehicles, in the framework of their Full Digital 2025 Ambition, i.e, their plan to switch to a design of future vehicles entirely based on simulation. In order to overcome the technological barrier of the prediction of the natural convection regime, a long-term collaboration program has been established, starting with an internship (Saad Jameel), defended in September 2016, a CIFRE PhD (same student), going to start in February 2017, and the deposit of the ANR PRCE project MONACO-2025, coordinated by R. Manceau, involving the institute PPrime of Poitiers, PSA and EDF.