Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

ERC Proposal Accepted

Y. Diao's ERC Consolidator proposal "Charting a New Horizon of Big and Fast Data Analysis through Integrated Algorithm Design" has been accepted by the EU.


  • A team of five including the team's PhD student Tien Duc Cao has won the first place at the Start-up Week-End in Artificial Intelligence (SWAI) in November 2016 (https://twitter.com/i/moments/796004617410711552, http://swai.fr/).

  • Šejla Čebirić has been awarded the Google Anita Borg Scholarship.

  • The paper “On the Complexity of Evaluating Regular Path Queries over Linear Existential Rules.” by M. Bienvenu and M. Thomazo received the best paper award at the RR'16 conference .

Best Paper Award:
M. Bienvenu, M. Thomazo.

On the Complexity of Evaluating Regular Path Queries over Linear Existential Rules, in: 10th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 10th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, September 2016.
