Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Several students and postdocs of F. Durand visited from MIT during 2017:

Visits to International Teams

Sabbatical programme

Fredo Durand was the recipient of the Inria International Chair and spent the academic year 2016-2017 in the group.

Research Stays Abroad

Johanna Delanoy spent 6 months at Adobe Research as an intern to collaborate with Aaron Hertzmann. S. Rodriguez and T. Thonat visited the MIT CSAIL Computer Graphic Lab, in Boston, USA. V. Deschaintre Visited Frederic Durand and Miika Aittala at MIT October/November. Y. Gryaditskaya visited the research group of Daniel Sykora, CTU Prague, Czech Republic, and the Industrial Design Faculty of TU Delft, Netherlands in June.