Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, Scientific chair
  • Bruno Arnaldi was General Chair of IGRV 2017 (journées du GDR IG-RV, Journées de l'AFRV, Journées de l'AFIG), Rennes, France.

  • Anatole Lécuyer and Guillaume Moreau were General co-Chairs of IEEE Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2017 (IEEE ISMAR), Nantes, France.

  • Maud Marchal was Program Chair of IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2017 (IEEE 3DUI).

  • Jean-Marie Normand was Deputy General Chair of IEEE Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2017 (IEEE ISMAR), Nantes, France.

Member of the organizing committees
  • Anatole Lécuyer was Member of the organization committee of IGRV 2017.

  • Ferran Argelaguet was Member of the organization committee of ISMAR 2017 and IGRV 2017.

  • Ronan Gaugne was Member of the organization committee of ISMAR 2017 and IGRV 2017.

  • Valérie Gouranton was Member of the steering committee of ISMAR 2017 and IGRV 2017.

  • Maud Marchal was Member of the organization committee of IGRV 2017.

  • Florian Nouviale was Member of the organization committee of ISMAR 2017 and IGRV 2017.

Scientific events selection

Member of the conference program committees
  • Anatole Lécuyer was Member of the conference program committee of IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality 2017.

  • Ferran Argelaguet was Member of the conference program committee of IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2017, and ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interfaces 2017 and IHM 2017.

  • Maud Marchal was Member of the conference program committee of Eurographics 2017, the best paper committee of "Journées Françaises de l'Informatique Graphique" 2017, the best Phd award committee of GDR-IGRV/EGFR/AFRV.

  • Guillaume Moreau was Member of the program committee of IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2017, Area Chair of IAPR Machine Vision Applications 2017.

  • Jean-Marie Normand was Member of the program committee of Augmented Human 2017, Area Chair of IAPR Machine Vision Applications 2017.

  • Ferran Argelaguet was Reviewer for IEEE VR 2017, ACM CHI 2017, ACM VRST 2017, ACM UIST 2017, WorldHaptics 2017.

  • Maud Marchal was Reviewer for IEEE VR 2017, Eurographics 2017, IEEE ICRA 2017.

  • Valérie Gouranton was Reviewer for IEEE VR 2017.

  • Guillaume Moreau was Reviewer for IEEE 3DUI 2017, IEEE VR 2017, ACM AH 2017.

  • Jean-Marie Normand was Reviewer for IEEE 3DUI 2017, IEEE VR 2017, IEEE ISMAR 2017, ACM CHI 2017, ACM MM 2017.


Member of the editorial boards
  • Anatole Lécuyer is Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (since Dec 2017), Frontiers in Virtual Environments, and Presence journals. He is also Guest Editor of a Special Issue of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications on "Virtual and Augmented Reality".

  • Ferran Argelaguet is Review Editor of Frontiers in Virtual Environments.

  • Maud Marchal is Review Editor of Frontiers in Virtual Environments.

  • Guillaume Moreau is Associate Editor of a Special Issue of the Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers and for Applied Sciences.

  • Jean-Marie Normand is Review Editor of Frontiers in Virtual Environments.

Reviewer - Reviewing activities
  • Ferran Argelaguet was Reviewer for ACM Transactions on Graphics, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, International Journal on Human Computer Studies.

  • Ronan Gaugne was Reviewer for Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage.

  • Maud Marchal was Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, The Visual Computer and Computers and Graphics Journal.

  • Guillaume Moreau was reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics and Computers, Environments and urban Systems.

  • Jean-Marie Normand was Reviewer for Frontiers in Robotics and AI, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

Invited talks

  • Anatole Lécuyer was Keynote Speaker at EuroVR 2017.

  • Guillaume Moreau was Keynote Speaker at "Journées de l'Association Française d'Histotechnologie".

Leadership within the scientific community

  • Bruno Arnaldi is Member of Executive Committee of AFRV (French Association for Virtual Reality).

  • Ronan Gaugne is Member of the Selection and Validation Committee for the French cluster "Pôle Images et Réseaux"

  • Valérie Gouranton is Member of Executive Committee of AFRV.

  • Maud Marchal is Member of Executive Committee of Eurographics French Chapter.

Scientific expertise

  • Valérie Gouranton was Member of a selection committee for French ANR.

  • Ronan Gaugne was Expert for "Atlanstic2020 Région Pays de la Loire".

  • Maud Marchal was Expert for "Haute Ecole Specialisée de Suisse Occidentale" (Switzerland).

  • Jean-Marie Normand was Expert for French ANR.

Research administration

  • Bruno Arnaldi is Deputy Director of IRISA, and co-Head of the Scientific Council of University of Rennes (ENS Rennes, ENSC Rennes, IEP Rennes, INSA Rennes, University Rennes 1, and University Rennes 2).

  • Maud Marchal is Co-Head of the Master of "Research in Computer Science" (SIF) at University Rennes 1.

  • Valérie Gouranton is Head of cross-cutting Axis "Art, Heritage & Culture" at IRISA.

  • Jean-Marie Normand is Head of the Minor "Virtual Reality" at ECN.