Section: Dissemination


The results of the team have been disseminated in various media coverages in 2017:

  • "XENIUS" TV channel Arte (02/17) : presentation of Immersia activity in Cultural Heritage applications

  • “Sciences et Avenir” magazine (02/17) : article on "BCI, VR and videogames"

  • France-Info radio (07/17) : 4-min interview of Anatole Lécuyer on Virtual Reality

  • 20-minutes magazine (10/17) : article on Immersia activity

  • Virgin Radio (10/17) : interview of Ronan Gaugne on Immersia

  • France 3 Bretagne (10/17) : presentation of "Journée Science et Musique" in Immersia

  • France 3 Centre (11/17) : presentation of INTROSPECT project

The team has also participated to several dissemination events in 2017 (chronological order):

  • "Ma Thèse en 180 secondes" (Rennes, 03/17) : Lorraine Perronnet presented her PhD.

  • "Semaine du Cerveau 2017" (Rennes, 03/17) : presentation and demo of BCI by Nataliya Kosmyna.

  • Pint of Science (05/17): presentation on virtual incarnation by Ferran Argelaguet.

  • "Journées Science et Musique 2017" (Rennes, 10/17) : co-organization of this event, and presentation of several demos.

  • "Journées du Pôle Aerospace Valley" (Agen, 12/17) : presentation by Guillaume Moreau.