Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • W. Perruquetti is the chairman of the IFAC Technical Committee “Social Impact of Automation”, International Federation of Automatic Control, TC 9.2, and a member of the IFAC Technical Committees “Nonlinear Control Systems”, TC 2.3, and “Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems”, TC 1.3.

  • A. Quadrat is a member of the IFAC Technical Committee “Linear Control Systems”, International Federation of Automatic Control, TC2.2

  • J.-P. Richard is a member of the IFAC Technical Committee “Linear Control Systems”, International Federation of Automatic Control, TC2.2

  • G. Zheng is a member of the IFAC Technical Committee “Social Impact of Automation”, International Federation of Automatic Control, TC9.2

  • G. Zheng is co-chair of the working group “Commande et pilotage en environnement incertain” of GRAISYHM

Member of the Organizing Committees

A. Quadrat is a member of the organization committee of the Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel (JNCF), Luminy, France, 22–26/01/2018.

J.-P. Richard is associate editor of the conferences EUCA-IEEE ECC 2018, Limassol, Cyprus (16th European Control Conference), 12–15/06/2018, IFAC TDS 2018, Budapest, Hungary (14th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems), 28–30/06/2018, and IEEE MED 2017, Valletta, Malta (25th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation), 3–6/06/2017.

Scientific Events Selection

J.-P. Richard was the coordinator of the Inria Evaluation Seminar of the theme “Optimization and control of dynamical systems” à Rungis, 13–17/03/2017.

Member of the Conference Program Committees

A. Quadrat was a member of the Program Committee of the 10th International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems (nDS 2017), University of Zielona Góra, Poland, 13-15/09/2017.

J.-P. Richard was a member of the Program Committee of the conference IARA VEHICULAR 2017, Nice, France (6th Int. Conf. on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technol. & Appl.), 23-27/06/2017. He will also be a member of the Program Committee of IARA VEHICULAR 2018, Venice, Italy (7th Int. Conf. on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technol. & Appl.), 24-28/06/2018.


The members of NON-A team are reviewers and contributors of all top-ranked conferences in the field of automatic control (IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IFAC World Congress, European Control Conference, American Control Conference, etc.).


Member of the Editorial Boards

D. Efimov is associate editor of:

  • Associate editor, IFAC Journal on Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems

  • Associate editor, Asian Journal of Control

He was also guest editor of two special issues on differentiators and on interval and set-membership estimation for International Journal of Control.

A. Polyakov is associate editor of:

  • International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control

  • Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications

  • Automation and Remote Control

A. Quadrat is associate editor of Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

The members of NON-A team are reviewers and contributors of all top-ranked conferences in the field of automatic control (IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IFAC World Congress, European Control Conference, American Control Conference, etc.).

Invited Talks

A. Quadrat was invited to give a talk at the conference “Questions algorithmiques en algèbre, analyse, géométrie et topologie”, I.H.E.T, Tunis, Tunisia, 24–26/10/2017, and at the “1st DECOD Workshop – Delays and Constraints on Distributed Parameter Systems”, CentraleSupélec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 22–24/11/2017.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

The NON-A team is the leader in the field of non-asymptotic control and estimation using homogeneity framework.

Moreover, the NON-A team is also leader in algebraic systems theory. In particular, two invited sessions “Algebraic Methods and Symbolic-Numeric Computation in Systems Theory” and “New Results in Multidimensional Systems Theory” were organized at the IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse (France), 09-14/07/2017. Finally, the book “Algebraic and Symbolic Computation Methods in Dynamical Systems” was edited by A. Quadrat and E. Zerz (RWTH Aachen, Germany) for the collection “Advances in Delays and Dynamics” (ADD), volume 9, Springer, and will appear in 2018.

Scientific Expertise

Since 2016, R. Ushirobira and D. Efimov have been working with the start-up Neotrope (Tourcoing). Following a first contract (2016) on the treatment of electro-dermal signals from their connected bracelet, a second part of the collaboration is underway for the filtering of the heart rate signal (HR). A second contract should be implemented in the coming months.

Research Administration

  • W. Perruquetti is Vice-deputy of INS2I CNRS.

  • J.-P. Richard is an Expert for the French Ministry of Research, MENESR/MEIRIES.

  • A. Quadrat is a member of the “Bureau du Comité des Equipes-Projets” (BCEP) and of the “Commission des Emplois de Recherche”, Inria Lille.

  • R. Ushirobira continues to participate in our local commissions: technological development (CDT, since January 2012); IT users (CUMI, since March 2016); sustainable development (CLDD since September 2016). Since 2013, she has been leading the “30 minutes of science” cycle (monthly seminar for the center's scientific staff).