
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1S. Boldo, F. Clément, J.-C. Filliâtre, M. Mayero, G. Melquiond, P. Weis.

    Wave equation numerical resolution: a comprehensive mechanized proof of a C program, in: Journal of Automated Reasoning, April 2013, vol. 50, no 4, pp. 423–456.

  • 2S. Boldo, F. Clément, J.-C. Filliâtre, M. Mayero, G. Melquiond, P. Weis.

    Trusting computations: A mechanized proof from partial differential equations to actual program, in: Computers and Mathematics with Applications, August 2014, vol. 68, no 3, pp. 325–352.

  • 3A. Ern, M. Vohralík.

    Adaptive inexact Newton methods with a posteriori stopping criteria for nonlinear diffusion PDEs, in: SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2013, vol. 35, no 4, pp. A1761–A1791.

  • 4A. Ern, M. Vohralík.

    Polynomial-degree-robust a posteriori estimates in a unified setting for conforming, nonconforming, discontinuous Galerkin, and mixed discretizations, in: SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2015, vol. 53, no 2, pp. 1058–1081.

  • 5T.-T.-P. Hoang, J. Jaffré, C. Japhet, M. Kern, J. E. Roberts.

    Space-time domain decomposition methods for diffusion problems in mixed formulations, in: SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2013, vol. 51, no 6, pp. 3532–3559.

  • 6T.-T.-P. Hoang, C. Japhet, M. Kern, J. E. Roberts.

    Space-time domain decomposition for reduced fracture models in mixed formulation, in: SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2016, vol. 54, no 1, pp. 288–316.

  • 7A. Lejay, G. Pichot.

    Simulating diffusion processes in discontinuous media: a numerical scheme with constant time steps, in: J. Comput. Phys., 2012, vol. 231, no 21, pp. 7299–7314.

  • 8G. Pichot, J. Erhel, J.-R. De Dreuzy.

    A generalized mixed hybrid mortar method for solving flow in stochastic discrete fracture networks, in: SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2012, vol. 34, no 1, pp. B86–B105.

  • 9I. Smears.

    Robust and efficient preconditioners for the discontinuous Galerkin time-stepping method, in: IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, October 2016. [ DOI : 10.1093/imanum/drw050 ]

  • 10M. Vohralík, B. I. Wohlmuth.

    Mixed finite element methods: implementation with one unknown per element, local flux expressions, positivity, polygonal meshes, and relations to other methods, in: Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 2013, vol. 23, no 5, pp. 803–838.

Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 11S. Ali Hassan.

    A posteriori error estimates and stopping criteria for solvers using the domain decomposition method and with local time stepping, Paris 6 ; Inria Paris, June 2017.

  • 12R. Riedlbeck.

    Adaptive algorithms for poro-mechanics and poro-plasticity, Université de Montpellier, November 2017.


Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 13M. Abbas, A. Ern, N. Pignet.

    Hybrid High-Order methods for finite deformations of hyperelastic materials, in: Computational Mechanics, 2018, pp. 1-29, forthcoming.

  • 14H. Ben Ameur, G. Chavent, F. Cheikh, F. Clément, V. Martin, J. E. Roberts.

    First-Order Indicators for the Estimation of Discrete Fractures in Porous Media, in: Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, March 2017, 31 p, https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.08304. [ DOI : 10.1080/17415977.2017.1290087 ]

  • 15S. Bliudze, S. Furic, J. Sifakis, A. Viel.

    Rigorous Design of Cyber-Physical Systems: Linking Physicality and Computation, in: Software and Systems Modeling, 2017, pp. 1-24, forthcoming. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10270-017-0642-5 ]

  • 16E. Burman, A. Ern.

    A nonlinear consistent penalty method weakly enforcing positivity in the finite element approximation of the transport equation, in: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2017, vol. 320, pp. 122-132. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cma.2017.03.019 ]

  • 17E. Burman, A. Ern, M. A. Fernández.

    Fractional-step methods and finite elements with symmetric stabilization for the transient Oseen problem, in: ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, March 2017, vol. 51, no 2, pp. 487-507. [ DOI : 10.1051/m2an/2016028 ]

  • 18E. Cancès, G. Dusson, Y. Maday, B. Stamm, M. Vohralík.

    Guaranteed and robust a posteriori bounds for Laplace eigenvalues and eigenvectors: conforming approximations, in: SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, September 2017, vol. 55, no 5, pp. 2228-2254. [ DOI : 10.1137/15M1038633 ]

  • 19P. Cantin, A. Ern.

    An edge-based scheme on polyhedral meshes for vector advection-reaction equations, in: ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 2017. [ DOI : 10.1051/m2an/2016075 ]

  • 20D. A. Di Pietro, A. Ern.

    Arbitrary-order mixed methods for heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion on general meshes, in: IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, January 2017, vol. 37, no 1, pp. 40-63.

  • 21A. Ern, J.-L. Guermond.

    Finite element quasi-interpolation and best approximation , in: ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 2017. [ DOI : 10.1051/m2an/2016066 ]

  • 22A. Ern, I. Smears, M. Vohralík.

    Discrete p-robust H(div)-liftings and a posteriori estimates for elliptic problems with H-1 source terms, in: Calcolo, January 2017, vol. 54, no 3, pp. 1009-1025. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10092-017-0217-4 ]

  • 23A. Ern, I. Smears, M. Vohralík.

    Guaranteed, locally space-time efficient, and polynomial-degree robust a posteriori error estimates for high-order discretizations of parabolic problems, in: SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, November 2017, vol. 55, no 6, pp. 2811-2834. [ DOI : 10.1137/16M1097626 ]

  • 24C. Lusso, F. Bouchut, A. Ern, A. Mangeney.

    A free interface model for static/flowing dynamics in thin-layer flows of granular materials with yield: simple shear simulations and comparison with experiments, in: Applied Sciences, April 2017, vol. 7, no 4, 386 p. [ DOI : 10.3390/app7040386 ]

  • 25C. Lusso, A. Ern, F. Bouchut, A. Mangeney, M. Farin, O. Roche.

    Two-dimensional simulation by regularization of free surface viscoplastic flows with Drucker-Prager yield stress and application to granular collapse, in: Journal of Computational Physics, March 2017, vol. 333, pp. 387-408. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jcp.2016.12.036 ]

  • 26J. Papež, Z. Strakoš, M. Vohralík.

    Estimating and localizing the algebraic and total numerical errors using flux reconstructions, in: Numerische Mathematik, September 2017. [ DOI : 10.1007/s00211-017-0915-5 ]

  • 27J. Ridoux, N. Lardjane, L. Monasse, F. Coulouvrat.

    Comparison of Geometrical Shock Dynamics and Kinematic models for shock wave propagation, in: Shock Waves, 2017, forthcoming.

  • 28R. Riedlbeck, D. DI PIETRO, A. Ern, S. Granet, K. Kazymyrenko.

    Stress and flux reconstruction in Biot's poro-elasticity problem with application to a posteriori error analysis, in: Computers and Mathematics with Applications, April 2017, vol. 73, no 7, pp. 1593–1610. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.camwa.2017.02.005 ]

  • 29I. Smears.

    Nonoverlapping domain decomposition preconditioners for discontinuous Galerkin approximations of Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations, in: Journal of Scientific Computing, 2017. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10915-017-0428-5 ]

  • 30M. Vohralík, S. Yousef.

    A simple a posteriori estimate on general polytopal meshes with applications to complex porous media flows, in: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, December 2017. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cma.2017.11.027 ]

  • 31M. Čermák, F. Hecht, Z. Tang, M. Vohralík.

    Adaptive inexact iterative algorithms based on polynomial-degree-robust a posteriori estimates for the Stokes problem, in: Numerische Mathematik, November 2017. [ DOI : 10.1007/s00211-017-0925-3 ]


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 32S. Boldo, F. Clément, F. Faissole, V. Martin, M. Mayero.

    A Coq Formal Proof of the Lax–Milgram theorem, in: 6th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs, Paris, France, January 2017. [ DOI : 10.1145/3018610.3018625 ]

  • 33P. Laug, G. Pichot, J.-R. d. Dreuzy.

    Realistic geometric modeling of fracture networks, in: 8th International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation (ADMOS 2017) - Symposium "Mesh generation and mesh adaptativity: methods and applications", Verbania, Italy, June 2017.


National Conferences with Proceedings

  • 34S. Boldo, F. Clément, F. Faissole, V. Martin, M. Mayero.

    Preuve formelle du théorème de Lax–Milgram, in: 16èmes journées Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels, Montpellier, France, June 2017.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 35H. Barucq, H. Calandra, G. Chavent, M. V. de Hoop, F. Faucher.

    Stability and convergence analysis for seismic depth imaging using FWI, in: Computational Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations Workshop, Oberwolfach, Germany, May 2017.

  • 36H. Barucq, H. Calandra, G. Chavent, M. V. de Hoop, F. Faucher.

    Stability and convergence for seismic reconstruction using full waveform inversion, in: Group Seminar, Linz, Austria, July 2017.

  • 37H. Barucq, H. Calandra, G. Chavent, F. Faucher.

    Convergence Analysis for Seismic Full Waveform Inversion, in: MATHIAS – TOTAL Symposium on Mathematics, Paris, France, October 2017.

  • 38H. Barucq, H. Calandra, G. Chavent, F. Faucher.

    Convergence of seismic full waveform inversion and extension to Cauchy data, in: Inverse Days 2017, Oulu, Finland, December 2017.

  • 39M. Chavent, G. Chavent.

    Approche bloc en ACP group-sparse: le package sparsePCA, in: AngletR 2017 - 6ème Rencontres R, Anglet, France, June 2017, 1 p.

  • 40M. Cicuttin, A. Ern, S. Lemaire.

    On the implementation of the multiscale Hybrid High-Order method, in: ENUMATH 2017 - European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Voss, Norway, September 2017, pp. 1-8.


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 41R. Riedlbeck, D. A. Di Pietro, A. Ern.

    Equilibrated stress reconstructions for linear elasticity problems with application to a posteriori error analysis, in: Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VIII – Methods and Theoretical Aspects, June 2017. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-57397-7 ]


Scientific Popularization

Other Publications

  • 43E. Ahmed, S. Ali Hassan, C. Japhet, M. Kern, M. Vohralík.

    A posteriori error estimates and stopping criteria for space-time domain decomposition for two-phase flow between different rock types, June 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 44E. Ahmed, A. Ben Abda.

    The sub-Cauchy Stokes Problem: Solvability Issues and Lagrange Multiplier Methods with Artificial Boundary Conditions, October 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 45S. Ali Hassan, C. Japhet, M. Kern, M. Vohralík.

    A posteriori stopping criteria for optimized Schwarz domain decomposition algorithms in mixed formulations, May 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 46S. Ali Hassan, C. Japhet, M. Vohralík.

    A posteriori stopping criteria for space-time domain decomposition for the heat equation in mixed formulations , September 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 47L. Amir, M. Kern.

    Preconditioning a coupled model for reactive transport in porous media, September 2017, https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.01483 - working paper or preprint.

  • 48A. BENACEUR, V. Ehrlacher, A. Ern, S. Meunier.

    A progressive reduced basis/empirical interpolation method for nonlinear parabolic problems , November 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 49T. Boiveau, V. Ehrlacher, A. Ern, A. Nouy.

    Low-rank approximation of linear parabolic equations by space-time tensor Galerkin methods, December 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 50E. Burman, A. Ern.

    A cut-cell Hybrid High-Order method for elliptic problems with curved boundaries, December 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 51E. Burman, A. Ern.

    An unfitted Hybrid High-Order method for elliptic interface problems *, October 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 52V. M. Calo, M. Cicuttin, Q. Deng, A. Ern.

    Spectral approximation of elliptic operators by the Hybrid High-Order method, November 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 53E. Cancès, G. Dusson, Y. Maday, B. Stamm, M. Vohralík.

    Guaranteed and robust a posteriori bounds for Laplace eigenvalues and eigenvectors: a unified framework, March 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 54M. Chavent, G. Chavent.

    Group-sparse block PCA and explained variance, December 2017, https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.00461 - working paper or preprint.

  • 55P. Ciarlet, M. Vohralík.

    Localization of global norms and robust a posteriori error control for transmission problems with sign-changing coefficients, August 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 56M. Cicuttin, D. A. Di Pietro, A. Ern.

    Implementation of Discontinuous Skeletal methods on arbitrary-dimensional, polytopal meshes using generic programming, September 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 57M. Cicuttin, A. Ern, S. Lemaire.

    A Multiscale Hybrid High-Order method, February 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 58J. Dabaghi, V. Martin, M. Vohralík.

    Adaptive inexact semismooth Newton methods for the contact problem between two membranes, December 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 59P. Daniel, A. Ern, I. Smears, M. Vohralík.

    An adaptive hp-refinement strategy with computable guaranteed bound on the error reduction factor, December 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 60A. Ern, J.-L. Guermond.

    Abstract nonconforming error estimates and application to boundary penalty methods for diffusion equations and time-harmonic Maxwell's equations, November 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 61A. Ern, J.-L. Guermond.

    Analysis of the edge finite element approximation of the Maxwell equations with low regularity solutions, June 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 62A. Ern, I. Smears, M. Vohralík.

    Equilibrated flux a posteriori error estimates in L2(H1)-norms for high-order discretizations of parabolic problems, March 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 63M. Jensen, I. Smears.

    On the notion of boundary conditions in comparison principles for viscosity solutions, March 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 64A. Lejay, L. Lenôtre, G. Pichot.

    Analytic expressions of the solutions of advection-diffusion problems in 1D with discontinuous coefficients, November 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 65F. Marazzato, A. Ern, C. Mariotti, L. Monasse.

    An explicit energy-momentum conserving time-integration scheme for Hamiltonian dynamics, December 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 66J. Papež, U. Rüde, M. Vohralík, B. Wohlmuth.

    Sharp algebraic and total a posteriori error bounds for h and p finite elements via a multilevel approach, December 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 67M. Riahi, H. Ben Ameur, J. Jaffré, R. Bouhlila.

    Refinement indicators for estimating hydrogeologic parameters, January 2018, working paper or preprint.
