Section: New Results

Results for Axis 1: Vulnerability analysis

Statistical Model Checking of LLVM Code

Participants : Axel Legay, Louis-Marie Traonouez.

We have extended PLASMA Lab statistical model-checker with a new plugin that allows to simulate LLVM bitcode. The plugin is based on an external simulator LODIN. This simulator implements a probabilistic semantics for a LLVM program. At its core the semantics consist of the LLVM program given as a labelled transition system. The labels are function calls to an environment that implements functions outside the LLVM core language. The environment is also responsible for assigning probabilities to individual transitions

By interfacing the LODIN simulator with PLASMA Lab we can apply all the statistical model-checking algorithms provided by PLASMA Lab, including rare events verification algorithms like importance splitting. We have applied LODIN and PLASMA Lab to several case studies, including the analysis of some security vulnerability, like the PTrace privilege escalation attack that could be performed on earlier versions of the Linux Kernel. This work has been submitted to a conference this year [61], and is currently under review.


We present our work in providing Statistical Model Checking for programs in LLVM bitcode. As part of this work we develop a semantics for programs that separates the program itself from its environment. The program interact with the environment through function calls. The environment is furthermore allowed to perform actions that alter the state of the C-program-useful for mimicking an interrupt system. On top of this semantics we build a probabilistic semantics and present an algorithm for simulating traces under that semantics. This paper also includes the development of the new tool component Lodin that provides a statistical model checking infrastructure for LLVM programs. The tool currently implement standard Monte Carlo algorithms and a simulator component to manually inspect the behaviour of programs. The simulator also proves useful in one of our other main contributions; namely producing the first tool capable of doing importance splitting on LLVM code. Importance splitting is implemented by integrating Lodin with the existing statistical model checking tool Plasma-Lab.

Verification of IKEv2 protocol

Participants : Axel Legay, Tristan Ninet, Louis-Marie Traonouez, Olivier Zendra.

The IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange version 2) protocol is the authenticated key-exchange protocol used to set up secure communications in an IPsec (Internet Protocol security) architecture. It guarantees security properties like mutual-authentication and secrecy of the exchanged key. To obtain an IKEv2 implementation as secure as possible, we use model checking to verify the properties on the protocol specification, and smart fuzzing to test the implementation, and try to detect implementation flaws like buffer overflows or memory leaks.

Two weaknesses had previously been found in the specification, but were harmless. We showed that the first weakness does not actually exist. We demonstrated that the second weakness is not harmless, and we designed a Denial-of-Service attack that exploits it, the deviation attack. As a counter-measure, we propose a modification of IKEv2, and use model checking to prove that the modified version is secure.

This work is being prepared for responsive disclosure and publication.

High-Level Frameworks for Scheduling Systems

Participants : Mounir Chadli, Axel Legay, Louis-Marie Traonouez.

Formal model-based techniques are more and more used for the specification and verification of scheduling systems. These techniques allow to consider complex scheduling policies beyond the scope of classical analytical techniques. For instance, hierarchical scheduling systems (HSS) integrates a number of components into a single system running on one execution platform. Hierarchical scheduling systems have been gaining more attention by automotive and aircraft manufacturers because they are practical in minimizing the cost and energy of operating applications. Model-based techniques can also be used to solve new problems like energy optimization or runtime monitoring. However, one limitation of formal model-based approaches is that they require high technical knowledge about the formalims and tools used to design models and write properties.

In a previous work [62], we have presented a model-based framework for the verification of HSS. It is based on a stochastic extension of timed automata and statistical model checking with the tool UPPAAL. We have also developed a graphical high-level language to represent complex hierarchical scheduling systems. To bridge the gap between the formalisms, we exploit Cinco, a generator for domain specific modeling tools to generate an interface between this language and the one of UPPAAL. Cinco allows to specify the features of a graphical interface in a compact meta-model language. This is a flexible approach that could be extended to any formal model of scheduling problem.

We have extended the previous work in journal paper [55] published this year, where we provide another high-level framework for the verification of energy-aware scheduling systems. We also present two new analysis techniques. One that performs runtime monitoring in order to detect alarming change in the scheduling system, and one that performs energy optimization.


Over the years, schedulability of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) has mainly been performed by analytical methods. These techniques are known to be effective but limited to a few classes of scheduling policies. In a series of recent work, we have shown that schedulability analysis of CPS could be performed with a model-based approach and extensions of verification tools such as UPPAAL. One of our main contributions has been to show that such models are flexible enough to embed various types of scheduling policies, which goes beyond those in the scope of analytical tools.

However, the specification of scheduling problems with model-based approaches requires a substantial modeling effort, and a deep understanding of the techniques employed in order to understand their results. In this paper we propose simplicity-driven high-level specification and verification frameworks for various scheduling problems. These frameworks consist of graphical and user-friendly languages for describing scheduling problems. The high-level specifications are then automatically translated to formal models, and results are transformed back into the comprehensible model view. To construct these frameworks we exploit a meta-modeling approach based on the tool generator Cinco.

Additionally we propose in this paper two new techniques for scheduling analysis. The first performs runtime monitoring using the CUSUM algorithm to detect alarming change in the system. The second performs optimization using efficient statistical techniques. We illustrate our frameworks and techniques on two case studies.

Side-channel Analysis of Cryptographic Substitution Boxes

Participants : Axel Legay, Annelie Heuser.

With the advent of the Internet of Things, we are surrounded with smart objects (aka things) that have the ability to communicate with each other and with centralized resources. The two most common and widely noticed artefacts are RFID and Wireless Sensor Networks which are used in supply-chain management, logistics, home automation, surveillance, traffic control, medical monitoring, and many more. Most of these applications have the need for cryptographic secure components which inspired research on cryptographic algorithms for constrained devices. Accordingly, lightweight cryptography has been an active research area over the last 10 years. A number of innovative ciphers have been proposed in order to optimize various performance criteria and have been subject to many comparisons. Lately, the resistance against side-channel attacks has been considered as an additional decision factor.

Side-channel attacks analyze physical leakage that is unintentionally emitted during cryptographic operations in a device (e.g., power consumption, electromagnetic emanation). This side-channel leakage is statistically dependent on intermediate processed values involving the secret key, which makes it possible to retrieve the secret from the measured data.

Side-channel analysis (SCA) for lightweight ciphers is of particular interest not only because of the apparent lack of research so far, but also because of the interesting properties of substitution boxes (S-boxes). Since the nonlinearity property for S-boxes usually used in lightweight ciphers (i.e., 4×4) can be maximally equal to 4, the difference between the input and the output of an S-box is much smaller than for instance for AES. Therefore, one could conclude that from that aspect, SCA for lightweight ciphers must be more difficult. However, the number of possible classes (e.g., Hamming weight (HW) or key classes) is significantly lower, which may indicate that SCA must be easier than for standard ciphers. Besides the difference in the number of classes and consequently probabilities of correct classification, there is also a huge time and space complexity advantage (for the attacker) when dealing with lightweight ciphers.

In  [65], [64] we give a detailed study of lightweight ciphers in terms of side-channel resistance, in particular for software implementations. As a point of exploitation we concentrate on the non-linear operation (S-box) during the first round. Our comparison includes SPN ciphers with 4-bit S-boxes such as KLEIN, PRESENT, PRIDE, RECTANGLE, Mysterion as well as ciphers with 8-bit S-boxes: AES, Zorro, Robin. Furthermore, using simulated data for various signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) we present empirical results for Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) and discuss the difference between attacking 4-bit and 8-bit S-boxes.

An extension of this work is given in [10]. We investigate whether side-channel analysis is easier for lightweight ciphers than e.g. for AES. We cover both profiled and non-profiled techniques where we are interested in recovering secret (round)keys or intermediate states. In the case of non-profiled attacks, we evaluate a number of S-boxes appearing in lightweight ciphers using the confusion coefficient and empirical simulations.

First, we investigate in the scenario where the attacker targets the first round and thus exploits the S-box computation. We observe that the 8-bit S-boxes from AES, Zorro, and Robin perform similarly, whereas for 4-bit S-boxes we have a clear ranking, with the S-box of Piccolo being the weakest to attack and the S-box of KLEIN and Midori (1) the hardest. Interestingly, when considering the last round and thus the inverse S-box operation the ranking changes such that Mysterion is the weakest and PRESENT/LED is the most side-channel resistant cipher from the ones investigated. Moreover, we could observe that attacking the last round is equal or less efficient for all considered ciphers. Finally, we use the information gained from both rounds together, where this approach is of interest when the cipher does not use round keys from a key scheduling algorithm but rather uses the same (or a straightforward computable) key in each round. LED fulfils this requirement. For a reasonable low SNR, to reach a success rate of 0.9 an attack on both rounds only requires 100 traces, whereas an attack using the first round requires 200 traces and on the last 400 traces. This example highlights the important role the confusion coefficient (relationship between predicted intermediate states under a leakage model from different key hypotheses), and that not only the SNR (even if low) is a key factor influencing the success rate. Additionally, our result show that we cannot conclude that the 4-bit S-boxes are generally significantly less resistant than the investigated 8-bit S-boxes. In particular, when considering inverse S-boxes we showed that 4-bit S-boxes may be more resistant.

For profiled attacks, we analyze several machine learning techniques to recover 4-bit and 8-bit intermediate states. Our results show that attacking 4-bit is somewhat easier than attacking 8-bit, with the difference mainly stemming from the varying number of classes in one or the other scenario. Still, that difference is not so apparent as one could imagine. Since we work with only a single feature and yet obtain a good accuracy in a number of test scenarios, we are confident (as our experiments also confirm) that adding more features will render classification algorithms even more powerful, which will result in an even higher accuracy. Finally, we did not consider any countermeasures for the considered lightweight algorithms, since the capacity for adding countermeasures is highly dependent on the environment (which we assume to be much more constrained than in the case of AES). However, our results show that a smart selection of S-boxes results in an inherent resilience (especially for 4-bit S-boxes). Moreover, we show that in case of highly restricted devices, in which countermeasures on the whole cipher are not practically feasible, a designer may choose to only protect the weakest round (first round) in the cipher to increase the side-channel resistant until a certain limit.

Our work in [23] concentrates on how to improve SCA resilience of ciphers without imposing any extra cost. This is possible by considering the inherent resilience of ciphers. We particularly concentrate on block ciphers which utilize S-boxes and therefore study the resilience of S-boxes against side-channel attacks. When discussing how to improve side-channel resilience of a cipher, an obvious direction is to use various masking or hiding countermeasures. However, such schemes come with a cost, e.g. an increase in the area and/or reduction of the speed. When considering lightweight cryptography and various constrained environments, the situation becomes even more difficult due to numerous implementation restrictions. However, some options are possible like using S-boxes that are easier to mask or (more on a fundamental level), using S-boxes that possess higher inherent side-channel resilience. In [23] we investigate what properties should an S-box possess in order to be more resilient against side-channel attacks. Moreover, we find certain connections between those properties and cryptographic properties like nonlinearity and differential uniformity. Finally, to strengthen our theoretical findings, we give an extensive experimental validation of our results.


Side-channel Analysis of Lightweight Ciphers: Current Status and Future Directions


Side-channel Analysis of Lightweight Ciphers: Does Lightweight Equal Easy?


Lightweight Ciphers and their Side-channel Resilience.


Trade-Offs for S-Boxes: Cryptographic Properties and Side-Channel Resilience


Do we need a holistic approach for the design of secure IoT systems? hal-01628683

New Advances on Side-channel Distinguishers

Participants : Axel Legay, Annelie Heuser.


Template Attack vs Bayes Classifier

Side-channel attacks represent one of the most powerful category of attacks on cryptographic devices with profiled attacks in a prominent place as the most powerful among them. Indeed, for instance, template attack is a well-known real-world attack that is also the most powerful attack from the information theoretic perspective. On the other hand, machine learning techniques have proven their quality in a numerous applications where one is definitely side-channel analysis. As one could expect, most of the research concerning supervised machine learn- ing and side-channel analysis concentrated on more powerful machine learning techniques. Although valid from the practical perspective, such attacks often remain lacking from the more theoretical side. In this paper, we investigate several Bayes classifiers, which present simple supervised techniques that have significant similarities with the template attack. More specifically, our analysis aims to investigate what is the influence of the feature (in)dependence in datasets with different amount of noise and to offer further insight into the efficiency of machine learning for side-channel analysis.


Side-channel analysis and machine learning: A practical perspective The field of side-channel analysis has made significant progress over time. Analyses are now used in practice in design companies as well as in test laboratories, and the security of products against side-channel attacks has significantly improved. However, there are still some remaining issues to be solved for analyses to be more effective. Side-channel analysis ac- tually consists of two steps, commonly referred to as identification and exploitation. The identification consists of understanding the leakage in order to set up a relevant attack. On the other hand, the exploitation consists of using the identified leakages to extract the secret key. In scenarios where the model is poorly known, it can be approximated in a profiling phase. There, machine learning techniques are gaining value. In this paper, we conduct extensive analysis of several machine learning techniques, showing the importance of proper parameter tuning and training. In contrast to what is perceived as common knowledge in unrestricted scenarios, we show that some machine learning techniques can significantly outperform template attack when properly used. We therefore stress that the traditional worst case security assessment of cryptographic implementations that includes mainly template attacks might not be accurate enough. Besides that, we present a new measure called the Data Confusion Factor that can be used to assess how well machine learning techniques will perform on a certain dataset.


Codes for Side-Channel Attacks and Protections

This article revisits side-channel analysis from the standpoint of coding theory. On the one hand, the attacker is shown to apply an optimal decoding algorithm in order to recover the secret key from the analysis of the side-channel. On the other hand, the side-channel protections are presented as a coding problem where the information is mixed with randomness to weaken as much as possible the sensitive information leaked into the side-channel. Therefore, the field of side-channel analysis is viewed as a struggle between a coder and a decoder. In this paper, we focus on the main results obtained through this analysis. In terms of attacks, we discuss optimal strategy in various practical contexts, such as type of noise, dimensionality of the leakage and of the model, etc. Regarding countermeasures, we give a formal analysis of some masking schemes.


Climbing Down the Hierarchy: Hierarchical Classification for Machine Learning Side-Channel Attacks

Machine learning techniques represent a powerful paradigm in side-channel analysis, but they come with a price. Selecting the appropriate algorithm as well as the parameters can sometimes be a difficult task. Nevertheless, the results obtained usually justify such an effort. However, a large part of those results use simplification of the data relation and in fact do not consider allthe available information. In this paper, we analyze the hierarchical relation between the data and propose a novel hierarchical classification approach for side-channel analysis. With this technique, we are able to introduce two new attacks for machine learning side-channel analysis: Hierarchical attack and Structured attack. Our results show that both attacks can outperform machine learning techniques using the traditional approach as well as the template attack regarding accuracy. To support our claims, we give extensive experimental results and discuss the necessary conditions to conduct such attacks.


Stochastic Collision Attack

On the one hand, collision attacks have been introduced in the context of side-channel analysis for attackers who exploit repeated code with the same data without having any knowledge of the leakage model. On the other hand, stochastic attacks have been introduced to recover leakage models of internally processed intermediate secret variables. Both techniques have shown advantages and intrinsic limitations. Most collision attacks, for instance, fail in exploiting all the leakages (e.g., only a subset of matching samples are analyzed), whereas stochastic attacks cannot involve linear regression with the full basis (while the latter basis is the most informative one). In this paper, we present an innovative attacking approach, which combines the flavors of stochastic and collision attacks. Importantly, our attack is derived from the optimal distinguisher, which maximizes the success rate when the model is known. Notably, we develop an original closed-form expression, which shows many benefits by using the full algebraic description of the leakage model. Using simulated data, we show in the unprotected case that, for low noise, the stochastic collision attack is superior to the state of the art, whereas asymptotically and thus, for higher noise, it becomes equivalent to the correlation-enhanced collision attack. Our so-called stochastic collision attack is extended to the scenario where the implementation is protected by masking. In this case, our new stochastic collision attack is more efficient in all scenarios and, remarkably, tends to the optimal distinguisher. We confirm the practicability of the stochastic collision attack thanks to experiments against a public data set (DPA contest v4). Furthermore, we derive the stochastic collision attack in case of zero-offset leakage that occurs in protected hardware implementations and use simulated data for comparison. Eventually, we underline the capability of the new distinguisher to improve its efficiency when the attack multiplicity increases.


Optimal side-channel attacks for multivariate leakages and multiple models

Side-channel attacks allow to extract secret keys from embedded systems like smartcards or smartphones. In practice, the side-channel signal is measured as a trace consisting of several samples. Also, several sensitive bits are manipulated in parallel, each leaking differently. Therefore, the informed attacker needs to devise side-channel distinguishers that can handle both multivariate leakages and multiple models. In the state of the art, these two issues have two independent solutions: on the one hand, dimensionality reduction can cope with multivariate leakage; on the other hand, online stochastic approach can cope with multiple models. In this paper, we combine both solutions to derive closed-form expressions of the resulting optimal distinguisher in terms of matrix operations, in all situations where the model can be either profiled offline or regressed online. Optimality here means that the success rate is maximized for a given number of traces. We recover known results for uni- and bivariate models (including correlation power analysis) and investigate novel distinguishers for multiple models with more than two parameters. In addition, following ideas from the AsiaCrypt?2013 paper ?Behind the Scene of Side-Channel Attacks,? we provide fast computation algorithms in which the traces are accumulated prior to computing the distinguisher values.


Stochastic Side-Channel Leakage Analysis via Orthonormal Decomposition

Side-channel attacks of maximal efficiency require an accurate knowledge of the leakage function. Template attacks have been introduced by Chari et al. at CHES 2002 to estimate the leakage function using available training data. Schindler et al. noticed at CHES 2005 that the complexity of profiling could be alleviated if the evaluator has some prior knowledge on the leakage function. The initial idea of Schindler is that an engineer can model the leakage from the structure of the circuit. However, for some thin CMOS technologies or some advanced countermeasures, the engineer intuition might not be sufficient. Therefore, inferring the leakage function based on profiling is still important. In the state-of-the-art, though, the profiling stage is conducted based on a linear regression in a non-orthonormal basis. This does not allow for an easy interpretation because the components are not independent. In this paper, we present a method to characterize the leakage based on a Walsh-Hadamard orthonormal basis with staggered degrees, which allows for direct interpretations in terms of bits interactions. A straightforward application is the characterization of a class of devices in order to understand their leakage structure. Such information is precious for designers and also for evaluators, who can devise attack bases relevantly.


On the optimality and practicability of mutual information analysis in some scenarios

The best possible side-channel attack maximizes the success rate and would correspond to a maximum likelihood (ML) distinguisher if the leakage probabilities were totally known or accurately estimated in a profiling phase. When profiling is unavailable, however, it is not clear whether Mutual Information Analysis (MIA), Correlation Power Analysis (CPA), or Linear Regression Analysis (LRA) would be the most successful in a given scenario. In this paper, we show that MIA coincides with the maximum likelihood expression when leakage probabilities are replaced by online estimated probabilities. Moreover, we show that the calculation of MIA is lighter that the computation of the maximum likelihood. We then exhibit two case-studies where MIA outperforms CPA. One case is when the leakage model is known but the noise is not Gaussian. The second case is when the leakage model is partially unknown and the noise is Gaussian. In the latter scenario MIA is more efficient than LRA of any order.


On the Relevance of Feature Selection for Profiled Side-channel Attacks

In the process of profiled side-channel analysis there is a number of steps one needs to make. One important step that is often conducted without a proper attention is selection of the points of interest (features) within the side-channel measurement trace. Most of the related work start with an assumption that the features are selected and various attacks are then considered and compared to find the best approach. In this paper, we concentrate on the feature selection step and show that if a proper selection is done, most of the attack techniques offer satisfactory results. We investigate how more advanced feature selection techniques stemming from the machine learning domain can be used to improve the side-channel attack efficiency. Our results show that the so-called Hybrid feature selection methods result in the best classification accuracy over a wide range of test scenarios and number of features selected.


Profiled SCA with a New Twist: Semi-supervised Learning

Profiled side-channel attacks represent the most powerful category of side-channel attacks. In this context, the attacker gains ac- cess of a profiling device to build a precise model which is used to attack another device in the attacking phase. Mostly, it is assumed that the attacker has unlimited capabilities in the profiling phase, whereas the attacking phase is very restricted. We step away from this assumption and consider an attacker who is restricted in the profiling phase, while the attacking phase is less limited as in the traditional view. Clearly, in general, the attacker is not hindered to exchange any available knowledge between the profiling and attacking phase. Accordingly, we propose the concept of semi-supervised learning to side-channel analysis, in which the attacker uses the small amount of labeled measurements from the profiling phase as well as the unlabeled measurements from the attacking phase to build a more reliable model. Our results show that semi-supervised learning is beneficial in many scenarios and of particular interest when using template attack and its pooled version as side-channel attack techniques. Besides stating our results in varying scenarios, we discuss more general conclusions on semi-supervised learning for SCA that should help to transfer our observations to other settings in SCA.

Side-channel analysis on post-quantum cryptography

Participants : Axel Legay, Annelie Heuser, Tania Richmond, Martin Moreau.

In recent years, there has been a substantial amount of research on quantum computers ? machines that exploit quantum mechanical phenomena to solve mathematical problems that are difficult or intractable for conventional computers. If large-scale quantum computers are ever built, they will be able to break many of the public-key cryptosystems currently in use. This would seriously compromise the confidentiality and integrity of digital communications on the Internet and elsewhere. The goal of post-quantum cryptography (also called quantum-resistant cryptography) is to develop cryptographic systems that are secure against both quantum and classical computers, and can interoperate with existing communications protocols and networks. At present, there are several post-quantum cryptosystems that have been proposed: lattice-based, code-based, multivariate cryptosystems, hash-based signatures, and others. However, for most of these proposals, further research is needed in order to gain more confidence in their security and to improve their performance. Our interest lies in particular on the side-channel analysis and resistance of these post-quantum schemes. We first focus on code-based cryptography and then extend our analysis to find common vulnerabilities between different families of post-quantum crypto systems.

Binary Code Analysis: Formal Methods for Fault Injection Vulnerability Detection

Participants : Axel Legay, Thomas Given-Wilson, Annelie Heuser, Nisrine Jafri, Jean-Louis Lanet.

Formal methods such as model checking provide a powerful tool for checking the behaviour of a system. By checking the properties that define correct system behaviour, a system can be determined to be correct (or not).

Increasingly fault injection is being used as both a method to attack a system by a malicious attacker, and to evaluate the dependability of the system. By finding fault injection vulnerabilities in a system, the resistance to attacks or faults can be detected and subsequently addressed.

A process is presented that allows for the automated simulation of fault injections. This process proceeds by taking the executable binary for the system to be tested, and validating the properties that represent correct system behaviour using model checking. A fault is then injected into the executable binary to produce a mutant binary, and the mutant binary is model checked also. A different result to the validation of the executable binary in the checking of the mutant binary indicates a fault injection vulnerability.

This process has been automated with existing tools, allowing for easy checking of many different fault injection attacks and detection of fault injection vulnerabilities. This allows for the detection of fault injection vulnerabilities to be fully automated, and broad coverage of the system to be formally shown.

The work is implemented in the SimFi tool.

[56] (J; submitted)

Fault injection has increasingly been used both to attack software applications, and to test system robustness. Detecting fault injection vulnerabilities has been approached with a variety of different but limited methods. This paper proposes an extension of a recently published general model checking based process to detect fault injection vulnerabilities in binaries. This new extension makes the general process scalable to real-world implementations which is demonstrated by detecting vulnerabilities in different cryptographic implementations.

Security at the hardware and software boundaries

Participants : Axel Legay, Jean-Louis Lanet, Ronan Lashermes, Kevin Bukasa, Hélène Le Bouder.

Side-channel attacks (SCA)

SCA exploit the reification of a computation through its physical dimensions (current consumption, EM emission, etc.). Focusing on Electromagnetic Analyses (EMA), such analyses have mostly been considered on low-end devices: smartcards and micro-controllers. In the wake of recent works, we analyze the effects of a modern micro architecture [31] on the efficiency of EMA (here Correlation Power Analysis and template attacks). We show that despite the difficulty to synchronize the measurements, the speed of the targeted core and the activity of other cores on the same chip can still be accommodated. Finally, we confirm that enabling the secure mode of TrustZone (a hardware-assisted software countermeasure) has no effect whatsoever on the EMA efficiency. Therefore, critical applications in TrustZone are not more secure than in the normal world with respect to EMA, in accordance with the fact that it is not a countermeasure against physical attacks. We hint that such techniques may be more common in the future to overcome the true difficulty with high-end devices: dealing with time precision (problem even worse with an OS or a virtual machine). Here again TrustZone or the activity of other cores have no incidence. But with these attacks, managing the big amount of data generated by our measures may prove to be the limiting factor, requiring better computing resources.

We investigate the way the compiler works and new attack paths have been discovered. In particular we demonstrated experimentally on an ARM7m the possibility to execute arbitrary code, generate buffer overflow even in presence of compiler assisted canary and ROP attacks. This raises a new challenge: any code fragment of an embedded program is sensitive to a fault attack. Thus an attacker increases the success rate of its attack while targeting a non sensitive part of the program for the injection. Then it becomes easy to extract security materials from the device. Then, the verification of the absence of a potential vulnerability must be checked on the whole program and not only on the cryptographic primitives. Thus the prevention analysis that was possible thanks to formal methods becomes unreachable with these new attack paths [40].

SCA based fuzzer

One of the main challenges during the development of system is to give a proof of evidence that its functionalities are correctly implemented and that no vulnerability remains. This objective is mostly achieved via testing techniques, which include software testing to check whether a system meets its functionalities, or security testing to express what should not happen. For the latter case, fuzzing is considered as first class citizen. It consists in exercising the system with (randomly) generated and eventually modified inputs in order to test its resistance. While fuzzing is definitively the fastest and the easiest way for testing applications, it suffers from severe limitations. Indeed, the precision of the model used for input generation: a random and/or simple model cannot reach all states and significant values. Moreover, a higher model precision can result in a combinatorial explosion of test cases.

We suggest a new approach [11] whose main ingredient is to combine timing attacks with fuzzing techniques. This new approach, allows not only reducing the test space explosion, but also to simplify the fuzzing process configuration. This new testing scenario is based on observing several executions of the system and by freezing some of its parameters in order to establish a partial order on their timing evaluation. The root of our technique is to exploit timing information to classify the input data into sub-domains according to the behavior observed for specific values of the parameters. Our approach is able to discover hidden unspecified commands that may trigger computations in the tested software. Due to the specific nature of the application (the domain of the parameters is the byte) and its programming model we can also retrieve the control flow graph of the application. The limits of the approach have been identified, and it has been tested on two applications. Validation via a coverage tool has been established.

System Vulnerability Analysis

Participants : Jean-Louis Lanet, Abdelhal Mesbah, Razika Lounas, Chaharezd Yayaoui.

We present in this section our effort to detect and correct some misbehaviors encountered with some firmware. We start with an attack on a secure device, such that we are able to reverse a code while the ISA is unknown and the code itself is not available. Then, we propose a formal specification of the update process of a firmware which provides the guarantee that the updated program respects the semantics of the language. In a last aspect, we try to predict the ability of a program to be attacked thanks to a Machine Learning algorithm. We demonstrated in section 7.1.8 that a state exploration is useless until the whole program is examined, we demonstrated here that approximative solutions can deal with real live programs with an affordable response time.

Reverse engineering

We believe that an adversary can gain access to different assets of the system using a black box approach.This implies of course the absence of the source code, but also sometime the absence of the binary code (romized within the soc or micro-controller, no update mechanism, no jtag, no memory extraction, no read function, and so on). In that case, the first step consists in extracting the binary code from the system. The attacker is just allowed to load data. He has then to infer enough information on the system internals and then he should be able to gain access to the native layers. In [43], we demonstrate the advantage of a graphical representation of the data in the memory can help the reverse process thanks to the abstraction provided. Our graphical tool links all the objects with a relationship based on the presence of a pointer.

In a Java based secure element, a Java application is considered as data executed by the executed program (the virtual machine) by the native processor. We introduce a first weakness in the program that allows to read an instance as an array which violate the Java type system. This weakness allows us to dump a short part of the memory which contains the meta data on a set of arrays. Thanks to this information, we generate a mimicry attack by forging pointer illegally [41]. In turns, it open the possibility to read large part of the memory as element of a forged array. Then we succeed in characterizing the memory management algorithm [12]. At the end, we transform the initial problem of finding a vulnerability in the code of a device in a black box approach to a white box problem after de-assembling the binary code.

In another work [44], we studied the byte code verification process towards an unchecked code. We found that this verification is not complete and can be bypassed. The verifier checks the semantics of the Java Card byte code. This process is split in two parts. First, the verifier loads the methods’ byte code and checks the package content. For the method segment, it checks that the control flow remain inside the methods, the jump destinations are correct and so on. Secondly, for each entry point and only for these, it controls the semantics and the type correctness of the code. This step is not performed for unreachable code, while the specification states that no unreachable code should remain in the file. However, during our analysis we discovered that the verifier does some verification on the semantics of the unreachable code. Then, thanks to a fault attack (the return byte code is noped) we diverted the control flow into this unchecked area were we stored our ill-typed code leading to the execution of an aggressive shell code which in turn dumped the native layers of the card giving access to the secret key material in plain text.

Safe system update mechanism

Dynamic Software Updating (DSU) consists in updating running programs on the fly without any downtime. This feature is interesting in critical applications that must run continuously. Because updates may lead to security breaches, the question of their correctness is raised. Formal methods are a rigorous means to ensure the correctness required by applications using DSU. We propose [13] a formal verification of correctness of DSU in a Java-based embedded system. Our approach is based on three steps. First, a formal interpretation of the semantics of update operations to ensure type safety of the update. Secondly, we rely on a functional representation of byte code, the predicate transformation calculus, and a functional model of the update mechanism to ensure the behavioral correctness of the updated programs. It is based on the use of Hoare predicate transformation to derive a specification of an updated byte code. In the last step, we use the functional representation to model the safe update point detection mechanism. This mechanism guarantees that none of the updated method active methods are active. This property is called activeness safety. We propose a functional specification that allows to derive proof obligations that guarantee the safety of the mechanism.

Prediction of system divergence

Fault attack represents one of the serious threats against embedded system security. The result of the fault injection could lead to a mutation of the code in such a way that it becomes hostile or execute a unwanted sequence of code as we demonstrated in 7.1.8. Any successful attack may reveal a secret information stored in the card or grant an undesired authorization. We propose a methodology [5] to recognize, during the development step, the sensitive patterns to the fault attack. It is based on the concepts from text categorization and machine learning. In fact, in this method we represented the patterns using opcodes n-grams as features and we evaluated different machine learning classifiers.

In the first experiment, we evaluated all the combination of n-gram size (for n=2, n=3 and n=4), number of features using GR method to select 100, 200, ..., 500 and 1000 relevant n-grams, n-gram weighting (Term Frequency (TF), Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) and binary representations), and five classification algorithms (Naive Bayes network (NB), Decision Tree (DT), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and the boosted version of these two lasts (BDT and BSVM)) to determine the best setting. We used accuracy measure to evaluate performance of the classifiers. In addition to accuracy, we used F1, TP rate and FP rate measures to evaluate how the algorithms classified the dangerous patterns. In the first experiment, we noted that 2-gram outperformed others. Nearly 2-gram, TFIDF, 1000 features with boosted algorithm outperformed the other settings. The F1 results have shown that the classifiers are more accurate at classifying examples of the class of non dangerous pattern compared to other classes. We suggest that this might be due to the imbalance of our data set. In the second experiment, we investigated the imbalance problem. We applied SMOTE and NCR resampling techniques to overcome this class imbalance problem. We found that the outperforming setting in the resampled data set was St270 also with BSVM classifier. Resampled data set improves accuracy of the smallest class and keeps the accuracy of other classes.

The experimental results indicated that the resampling techniques improved the accuracy of the classifiers. In addition, our proposed method reduces the execution time of sensitive patterns classification in comparison to the mutant generator tool micro seconds instead of hours.