Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence: F. Grognard (45.5h ETD) and L. Mailleret (26h ETD), “Equations différentielles ordinaires et systèmes dynamiques”, L3, 1st year Engineering in Modeling and Applied Mathematics, Polytech Nice Sophia, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.
Master: O. Bernard (4.5h ETD), “Bioenergy from microalgae”, M2, Master International Energy Management : alternatives pour l'énergie du futur, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, France.
Master: O. Bernard (18h ETD), “Modeling biotechnological processes”, M2, Ecole CentraleSupelec, Saclay, France.
Master: F. Grognard (21h ETD) and L. Mailleret (21h ETD), “Bio-Mathématiques”, M1, 2nd year Engineering in Modeling and Applied Mathematics, Polytech Nice Sophia, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.
Master : J.-L. Gouzé (18h ETD), M. Chaves (12h ETD) “Modeling biological networks by ordinary differential equations”, M1, 2nd year Engineering in Génie biologique, Polytech Nice Sophia, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.
Master: S. Touzeau (27h ETD), “Analyse de données”, M1, 2nd year Engineering in Génie biologique, Polytech Nice Sophia, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.
HdR : L. Mailleret. Modélisation et contrôle en dynamiques de populations. Applications en protection des plantes, 16 February 2018, Université Côte d'Azur.
PhD : S. Almeida. “Synchronization of biological oscillators: modeling, analysis and coupling of the mammalian cell cycle and circadian clock”, 17 December 2018, Université Côte d'Azur. Supervisors: M. Chaves and F. Delaunay (Univ. Nice, iBV).
PhD : M. Caïa, “Characterization and modeling of a mixotrophic algae - bacteria ecosystem for waste recovery”, 13 December 2018, Université Montpellier. Supervisors: J.-P. Steyer and O. Bernard.
PhD : C. Lopez-Zazueta. “Réduction dynamique de réseaux métaboliques par la théorie des perturbations singulières : application aux microalgues”, 14 December 2018, Université Côte d'Azur. Supervisors O. Bernard and J.-L. Gouzé.
PhD : V. Burte. “Étude des stratégies de mouvement chez les parasitoïdes du genre Trichogramma : apports des techniques d’analyse d’images automatiques”, 14 December 2018, Université Côte d'Azur. Supervisors V. Calcagno et L. Mailleret.
PhD in progress : M. Haond. “Causes et conséquences des fronts de colonisation poussés”, since October 2015, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis. Supervisors: E. Vercken (UMR ISA), L. Mailleret and L. Roques (UR BioSP).
PhD in progress : L. Chambon. “Control of models of genetic regulatory networks”, since October 2016, Université Côte d’Azur. Supervisor J.-L. Gouzé.
PhD in progress : L. Pereira. “Experimental and computational approaches to understanding the molecular origins of drug response heterogeneity, underlying resistance to cancer therapies”, since October 2016, Université Côte d'Azur. Supervisors: M. Chaves and J. Roux (IRCAN, Nice).
PhD in progress: M. Gachelin, “Selection pressure to improve lipid productivity of microalgae”, since March 2017, Sorbonne Université. Supervisors: O. Bernard and A. Sciandra.
PhD in progress : E. Firippi. “Mathematical analysis, control design and coupling for models of biological oscillators”, since October 2017, Université Côte d'Azur. Supervisor: M. Chaves.
PhD in progress: A. Yabo, “Control and optimal control of bacterial growth”, since October 2018, Université Côte d'Azur. Supervisors J.-L. Gouzé and J.-B. Caillau (McTao).
PhD in progress: A. Dos Reis de Souza, “Estimation and Control Methods for Microbial Communities”, since October 2018, Université de Lille. Supervisors: J.-L. Gouzé and D. Efimov (Valse, Inria Lille).
PhD in progress: S. Nilusmas, “Gestion durable des nématodes à galles en cultures maraîchères : modélisation et optimisation du déploiement des résistances et des pratiques agronomiques”, Université Côte d'Azur, since December 2016. Supervisors: S. Touzeau, C. Caporalino (ISA), V. Calcagno (ISA) and L. Mailleret.
PhD in progress: I. Tankam Chedjou, “Modeling, analysis and control of plantain plant-parasitic nematodes”, University of Yaoundé 1, since December 2015. Supervisors: J.-J. Tewa, F. Grognard, L. Mailleret, S. Touzeau.
PhD in progress: Y. Fotso Fotso, “Modeling, analysis and control of coffee berry borers”, University of Dschang, since January 2017. Supervisors: S. Bowong, B. Tsanou, F. Grognard, L. Mailleret, S. Touzeau.
Master thesis and internships
PFE: Adrien Boudin, “Controle optimal des ressources dans une cellule”, EPU MAM, supervisors J.-L. Gouzé et JB. Caillau (McTao).
Engineer: Bruno Assis Pessi, “Modeling microalgal growth under a greenhouse”, Ecole CentraleSupelec, supervisor O. Bernard.
M2: Jenna Balaguer, “Effect of background turbidity on microalgae growth”, Sorbonne Université, supervisor O. Bernard.
M2: Jean-Baptiste Excoffier, “Modélisation in silico de médicaments, et personnalisation des traitements”, Université Côte d'Azur, supervisors J.-L. Gouzé and F. Dayan (Exactcure).
M2: Pauline Clin, “Résistance systémique acquise, mélanges variétaux et épidémiologie évolutive des interactions plantes-pathogènes”, Université de Rennes 1, supervisors F. Grognard and F. Hamelin (Agrocampus Ouest).
M1: David Davtian, “Modélisation multi-agent pour l’étude et l’optimisation des introductions biologiques”, Université Côte d'Azur, supervisors L. Mailleret and F. Grognard.
M1: Thomas Brenière, “Physiologie de la plante attaqué par les nématodes: Modélisation et expérimentation”, INSA Lyon, supervisors V. Baldazzi and C. Djian-Caporalino (ISA, INRA Sophia Antipolis).
Other: O. Bernard supervised a project involving 4 students from CentraleSupelec (first year of engineering school), 4 months, to design a system for detecting contamination in microalgae cultures.
V. Baldazzi and L.Mailleret participated in the thesis comitee of Marta Zaffaroni (INRA Avignon) in October 2018.
O. Bernard was reviewer for the PhD thesis of G. Jeanne “Optimization of bioprocess design: towards an intergated approach synthetic biology and process control”. University Paris-Saclay (27 Sept. 2018).
M. Chaves was member of the jury for the PhD thesis of Sofia Almeida, December 2018.
J.-L. Gouzé and O. Bernard were in the jury of the PhD of Claudia Lopez Zazueta “Réduction dynamique de réseaux métaboliques par la théorie des perturbations singulières : application aux microalgues.” Université Côte d'Azur, December 14, 2018.
J.-L. Gouzé was reviewer of the PhD of Hongjun Ji “Systèmes dynamiques coopératifs appliqués en biologie”, Sorbonne Université, October 11, 2018.
S. Touzeau was the external examiner of Rebecca Bekker's MSc thesis in Applied Mathematics “Mathematical models of the epidemiological dynamics of soil-borne pathogens”, University of Pretoria, South Africa, 2018.
S. Touzeau was a member of the selection committee MC 25–26 “Analyse des EDP pour la dynamique des populations”, University of Bordeaux, France, 2018.