Section: Dissemination
Articles and contents
A popularization paper has been published on the study of peach sugar metabolism [64].
L. Mailleret was a co-author of the press kit “Les conquêtes de l'INRA pour le biocontrôle” [86].
The activities related to microalgae have generated many articles in national newspapers (Le Monde, Nice Matin, ,...), and broadcasts on national TV (France 3). See, for instance,
O. Bernard together with R. Lemée gave a general public conference on the topic “Les microalgues en Méditerranée: quels avenirs environnementaux, énergétiques, sanitaires et industriels?” (MAMAC, Nice, 6 Apr 2018).
L. Chambon and O. Bara participated in the open doors days of Inria Sophia-Antipolis on the 7th of October. L. Chambon presented a popularization poster about Biocore scientific methodologies to general public.
L. Chambon represented Biocore, Inria in the national event “Fête de la Science” in Mouans-Sartoux and Juan-les-Pins (13th and 20th of October). She presented scientific popularization games and experiments to children and general public.
L. Mailleret presented three Posters on biological control with predatory mites during the visit of the national press (AFP, France Inter, Le Parisien,...) at Institut Sophia Agrobiotech on the 30th of May 2018.