Section: New Results

Imaging and modeling ancient materials

Participants : Vanna Lisa Coli, Juliette Leblond.

This is a very recent activity of the team, linked to images classification in archaeology in the framework of the project ToMaT, “Multiscale Tomography: imaging and modeling ancient materials, technical traditions and transfers” (see Section 8.1), and to the post-doctoral stay of V. L. Coli ; it is pursued in collaboration with L. Blanc-Féraud (project-team Morpheme, I3S-CNRS/Inria Sophia/iBV), D. Binder (CEPAM-CNRS, Nice), in particular.

The pottery style is classically used as the main cultural marker within Neolithic studies. Archaeological analyses focus on pottery technology, and particularly on the first stages of pottery manufacturing processes. These stages are the most demonstrative for identifying the technical traditions, as they are considered as crucial in apprenticeship processes. Until now, the identification of pottery manufacturing methods was based on macro-traces analysis, i.e. surface topography, breaks and discontinuities indicating the type of elements (coils, slabs...) and the way they were put together for building the pots. Overcoming the limitations inherent to the macroscopic pottery examination requires a complete access to the internal structure of the pots. Micro-computed tomography (μCT) has recently been used for exploring ancient materials microstructure. This non-invasive method provides quantitative data for a big set of proxies and is perfectly adapted to the analysis of Cultural heritage materials.

The main challenge of our current analyses aims to overcome the lack of existing protocols to apply in order to quantify observations. In order to characterize the manufacturing sequences, the mapping of the paste variability (distribution and composition of temper) and the discontinuities linked to different classes of pores, fabrics and/or organic inclusions appears promising. The totality of the acquired data composes a set of 2-D and 3-D surface and volume data at different resolutions and with specific physical characteristics related to each acquisition modality (multimodal and multi-scale data). Specific shape recognition methods need to be developed by application of robust imaging techniques and 3-D-shapes recognition algorithms.

In a first step, we devised a method to isolate pores from the 3-D data volumes; we are currently focusing our investigation on 2-D slices displaying pores locations and we considering several data processing treatments, such as multiresolution processing and Hough transform (derived from Radon transform), in order to evaluate their outcome when applied to these very particular images. Different possibilities of investigation will be analyzed as well, such as “a contrario” analysis and deep learning techniques.