Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • The team participates in the project WIMAG (Wave IMAGing) funded by the Idex UCAJedi. It aims at identifying and gathering the research and development by partners of UCA involved in wave imaging systems. Other partners are UNS and CNRS (GéoAzur, I3S, LEAT, LJAD), together with Orange Labs.

  • The team co-advises a PhD (G. Bose) with the CMA team of LEAT (http://leat.unice.fr/pages/activites/cma.html) funded by the Labex UCN@Sophia on the co-conception of Antennas and Filters.

  • The team participates in the transverse action C4PO funded by the Idex UCAJedi. This “Center for Planetary Origin” brings together scientists from various fields to advance and organize Planetary Science at the the University of Nice, and supports research and teaching initiatives within its framework, among which the workshop “Inverse problems and approximation techniques in planetary sciences” organized by members of Factas in May, about inverse problems in harmonic electromagnetism and approximation, with applications mainly dedicated to geomagnetism and paleomagnetism, see Section 9.1.1.

  • The team also participates in the project ToMaT, “Multiscale Tomography: imaging and modeling ancient materials, technical traditions and transfers”, funded by the Idex UCAJedi (“programme structurant Matière, Lumière, Interactions”). This project brings together researchers in archaeological, physical, and mathematical sciences, with the purpose of modeling and detecting low level signals in 3-D images of ancient potteries. The other concerned scientists are from CEPAM-CNRS-UCA (project coordinator: Didier Binder), Nice http://www.cepam.cnrs.fr, the team Morpheme, CNRS-I3S-Inria http://www.inria.fr/equipes/morpheme, and IPANEMA, CNRS, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Université Versailles Saint Quentin http://ipanema.cnrs.fr/. Since March 2018, they co-advise together the post-doctoral research of Vanna Lisa Coli, see Section 6.5.