GAIA - 2018
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Overall Objectives

Main objectives of the GAIA team

The first goal of the GAIA team is to study classes of functional systems which are interesting in practice (e.g. differential systems, differential constant/varying/distributed delay systems, ordinary integro-differential systems) by means of algebraic and geometric methods (algebraic analysis, algebraic/differential/noncommutative geometry, etc.), computer algebra (e.g. algorithmic, symbolic and symbolic-numeric methods, librairies), and mathematical systems theory. The systems to be investigated can be linear, nonlinear, continuous, discrete, or originated from real life applications.

The second goal of the GAIA team is to study important problems coming from:

  • control theory (e.g. parametric robust control, stability and stabilization of multidimensional systems or of differential constant/distributed/time-varying delay systems)

  • signal processing (e.g. parameter estimation problem, metric multidimensional unfolding, autocalibration)

  • multidisciplinary domains (e.g. marine bivalves behavior, human-machine interaction, chemical reaction networks, ionic activities in neuroscience)

The third goal of the GAIA team is to develop (Maple , Mathematica , C /C ++) packages and librairies dedicated to functional systems and to their applications, and in parallel, eventual industry transfer (e.g. Safran Electronics & Defense, Safran Tech, Maplesoft).