Section: Dissemination
Internal or external Inria responsibilities
Clément Moreau is a member of the team « équipe actualités » of Images des Mathématiques since October, 2018.
J.-B. Caillau is member of the MASTIC initiative at Inria Sophia (Médiation et animation scientifiques Inria) and delivers regular talks in high school or college.
Articles and contents
Clément Moreau participated in the radio show « La méthode scientifique » on March 7, 2018.
Clément Moreau participated in the national competition « Ma thèse en 180 secondes ».
Lamberto Dell'Elce is involved in the PoBot challenge promoted by MEDITES. Specifically he supervises a class in the College Emile Roux in Cannes.
Clément Moreau participated in the « journées portes ouvertes » at Inria Sophia Antipolis in the framework of the 2018 « Fête de la Science », October 7, 2018, and in a scientific discovery workshop for secondary school students at the concrete Art Museum, Mouans-Sartoux, October 11, 2018.
Lamberto Dell'Elce gave the talk "CubeSats: Concevoir et Realiser un Satellite à l’Université" at the Cafe In meeting held at Inria Sophia on June 6, 2018, and for high scholl students during the stage MathC2+ in June, 2018.