Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
F. Castella, Numerical methods for ODEs and PDEs, 60 hours, Master 1, University of Rennes.
N. Crouseilles, Numerical methods for PDEs, 24 hours, Master 1, ENS Rennes.
E. Faou, Normal forms, 24 hours, Master 2, University of Rennes.
M. Lemou, Numerical methods for kinetic equations, 18 hours, Master 2, University of Rennes.
M. Lemou, elliptic PDEs, 36 hours, Master 1, University of Rennes.
P. Navaro, Scientific computing tools for big data, Master 2, University of Rennes.
PhD : G. Barrué, Approximation diffusion pour des équations dispersives, University of Rennes I, started in september 2019, A. Debussche.
PhD : J. Bernier, Study of some perturbation of equations which involve symmetries: resonancy and stability, University of Rennes I, defended in july 2019, E. Faou and N. Crouseilles.
PhD : Q. Chauleur, Equation de Vlasov singulière et équations reliées, University of Rennes I, started in september 2019, R. Carles (CNRS, Rennes) and E. Faou.
PhD: Y. Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Structure preserving methods for Vlasov equations, march 2019-february 2020, Y. Sun (Chinese Academy of Sciences) and N. Crouseilles.
PhD in progress : J. Massot, Exponential methods for hybrid kinetic models, started in october 2018, N. Crouseilles.
PhD in progress : A. Rosello, Approximation-diffusion pour des équations cinétiques pour les modèles de type spray, started in september 2016, A. Debussche and J. Vovelle (CNRS, Lyon).
PhD in progress : L. Trémant, Asymptotic analysis methods and numerical of dissipative multi-scale models: ODE with central manifold and kinetic models, started in october 2018, P. Chartier and M. Lemou.
F. Castella was referee for the PhD thesis of H. Moundoyi (Laboratoire de biologie marine de Roscoff, France), supervised by P. Cormier and B. Sarels.
F. Castella was referee for the PhD thesis of F. Patout (ENS Lyon, France), supervised by V. Calvez and J. Garnier.
N. Crouseilles was referee for the PhD thesis of B. Fedele (University Toulouse 3, France), supervised by C. Negulescu and M. Ottaviani (CEA).
A. Debussche was referee for the PhD of E. Altmann (Sorbonne Université, France), supervised by L. Zambotti.
A. Debussche was member of the defense committee of the PhD of B. Kouegou Kamen (Aix-Marseille Université, France), supervised by E. Pardoux.
A. Debussche was referee for the PhD of T. Yeo (Aix-Marseille université, France) supervised by E. Pardoux.
E. Faou was referee for the Habilitation degree of Karolina Kropielnicka (Univ. Gdansk, Poland).
M. Lemou was referee of the PhD thesis of X. Li (University Paris-Dauphine, France), supervised by J. Dolbeault.
F. Méhats was referee of the PhD thesis of T. Dolmaire (university Paris Diderot, France), supervised by L. Desvillettes and I. Gallagher.