Section: Dissemination
Internal or external Inria responsibilities
F. Castella was member of the HCERES committee for the evaluation of the laboratory "Mathématiques et Informatique pour la Complexité et les Systèmes (MICS)", CentraleSupelec, Gif-sur-Yvette.
P. Chartier was member of the hiring committee CR2-Inria (Bordeaux)
P. Chartier was member of the hiring committee for the Inria promotion DR1-DR0.
N. Crouseilles is member of the Inria Evaluation Committe (2019-2023).
N. Crouseilles was member of the Inria hiring committee for the following Inria promotions: CRHC, DR2-DR1, DR1-DR0, DR0-DR02.
N. Crouseilles is member of the hiring committee of the professor position, ENS Rennes.
E. Faou was member of the HCERES committee for the evaluation of the Mathematics Institute of Toulouse, University Paul Sabatier.
E. Faou is AMIES correspondent (Agency for Interaction in Mathematics with Business and Society) for Inria Rennes Bretagne atlantique and IRMAR.
N. Crouseilles: participation to high school students internship at IRMAR laboratory (one week), June 2019.
N. Crouseilles: interview by a first year student of University Rennes I (in order to inform the different ways to become Inria researcher).
J. Massot: talk at the N. Mandela high school (terminal S classes) about the links between astronomy and mathematics, April 2019.
J. Massot: participation to high school students internship at IRMAR laboratory (one week), June 2019.
P. Navaro: participation to the Julia day, Lyon, France, January 2019.
P. Navaro: participation to the Julia day, Nantes, France, June 2019.
A. Rosello: participation to "MATHC2", June 2019, ENS Rennes.
L. Trémant: participation to "Maths en Jean", June 2019, University of Rennes.
Internal action
J. Massot: writing of a Python library ponio (Python Objects for Numerical IntegratOr)
P. Navaro: R training at the Finist'R internal workshop, Roscoff, France, August 2019.
P. Navaro, Python courses, within the exchange program between ENSAI and Hong Kong university.