Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Pierre-Yves Masse (post-doc, Czech Technical University) spent 50% of his time at Sierra (F. Bach) and Willow teams as a visiting post-doc within the framework of collaboration with the Intelligent Machine Perception project lead by J. Sivic at the Czech Technical University in Prague.

  • Vladimir Petrik spent October - Janurary 2020 in Willow as a visiting post-doc within the framework of collaboration with the Intelligent Machine Perception project.

  • Mircea Cimpoi spent three weeks in March 2019 in Willow as a visiting post-doc within the framework of collaboration with the Intelligent Machine Perception project.

  • Anna Kukleva (Master student, University of Bonn) spent six months in the Willow team working on her Master project under supervision of M. Tapaswi and I. Laptev.

Visits to International Teams

Explorer programme
  • J.Ponce, multiple visits to CMU's Robotics Institute within the framework of the Gaia associated team